Summaries of the statements Gerry and Kate McCann gave to the PJ - as witnesses on 04 May 2007 and 10 May 2007, and eventually
as arguidos over the period 06/07 September 2007.
Kate refuses to answer 48 questions at her arguida interview
"Kate will answer every question put to her – she has nothing to hide."
Justine McGuinness - 06 September 2007
"I spoke to Kate at about, errm... half eleven, eleven to half past last night."
"What did she say to you?"
"Errm... she just told me that she was alright, errm... and she sounded quite strong. Errm... she had fought her
corner in her interview with the police yesterday, errm... and I think, errm... I felt quite proud that she'd been able
to do this knowing how distraught she is at Madeleine's disappearance... "
Susan Healy - 08 September 2007
Gerry McCann's witness statement: 04 May 2007
Kate McCann's witness statement: 04 May 2007
Kate's Diary, 04 May 2007
FRIDAY, MAY 4: No sleep, Gerry and I started looking through the streets
around 06.00 as it was starting to get light. Nobody around. Why not? Desperate.
Minutes seem like hours. Outside of the apartments masses of people asking
questions about that night and for descriptions of Madeleine. Long day.
(Then Kate, Gerrry and their seven friends were taken to the Policia
Judiciaria, or PJ, headquarters in nearby Portimao to give statements.)
Nobody from the police introduced themselves. Nobody offered us a drink
or food. All the police dressed informally and smoking. No sympathy was shown and far from inspiring.
I believe my statement would have been around 15.00 and such. They allowed
G (Gerry) to come in with me but seated behind me. Translator present.
The police officer who took us by car to the station was the one asking
the questions and afterwards typed the answers on a typewriter. Morose.
We left the police station around 7.30pm to 8pm. After 15 minutes we received
a call from the PJ saying we had to go back but they didn't tell us why. We turned around and flew back at around 200 kilometres
an hour. Once again frightening. Did they find her? Please God. Is she dead? Prayers. We arrived—they showed us a photo
of a girl they'd forgotten to show us from the close circuit TV footage. Not M. Devastating.
The McCanns and Tapas group's prepared timeline, type-written and presented to the PJ on
10 May 2007
Sequence of Events: Thursday 3rd May 2007 - 2030 to 2200
As recalled by:
Gerry McCann - 5A
Kate McCann - 5A
David Payne - 5H (First floor)
Fiona Payne - 5H (First floor)
Dianne Webster - 5H (First floor)
Jane Tanner - 5D
Russell O'Brien - 5D
Matthew Oldfield - 5B
Rachael Oldfield - 5B
Times shown are approximate, but accurate to the best of our knowledge.
Prior to 2030, all couples and children were in their apartments preparing for bedtime. - 5A (Madeleine, Amelie
and Sean McCann) - 5B (Grace Oldfield) - 5D (Ella and Evie O'Brien) and - 5H (Lily and Scarlett Payne)
2030: Standard booking for meal at Tapas restaurant for group – same all week (Sun–Thur)
2035: Gerry McCann (GM) and Kate McCann (KC) arrive at table at Tapas Restaurant.
2040: Jane Tanner (JT) arrives, followed shortly by Matthew Oldfield (MO) and Rachael Mampilly
Oldfield (RMO).
2045: Russell O'Brien (RJO) arrives at table.
2055: MO returns to apartments to check on ground floor flats, passing David Payne (DP) and
Fiona Payne (FP) and her mother Dianne Webster (DW) on their way down to the table.
MO listens outside all ground floor flats’ windows on the car park side of the apartment (5A, 5B and 5D) to make sure
they were asleep. At this time, all the shutters were down on each window.
MO return to the table. Starters were ordered.
2105: GM returns to his flat (5A) and enters via the patio gate entrance.
This and a child gate at the top of the stairs were closed at the time. He enters the flat via the patio door which is closed
but unlocked.
The door is slightly ajar (about 45 degrees) which is unusual. All the 3 children were present and asleep.
GM believes the shutter was down. The room in which the children are asleep is completely dark. On leaving the room, GM shuts
the door to approximately 5 degrees. He then goes to the toilet to urinate.
JT leaves table, and sees GM talking with fellow resident ("Jez" Wilkins) outside the patio gate of 5A. The two were standing
just up the hill from the gate towards Rua A. da Silva Road. She did not speak to GM as she passed.
As JT continued
up the hill towards the junction with Rua A. da Silva, she sees a man carrying a child in his arms crossing left to right
from the apartment side continuing east along Rua A. da Silva in the direction of the "Millennium restaurant." He was on the
same side of the road as JT 5-10 metres ahead of her.
Description of Man:
- Age 35 to 40. - 1.7m tall
approximately with a slim build. - Good head of dark glossy hair with possible flick of hair to the right. The hair was
longer at the back (i.e. not clippered or shaven). - The central and the left side of the face were not seen - Full
length trousers, casual, the material hanging without creases. The colour was possibly a browny mustard. They were not jeans. -
Long sleeved jacket, fastened at the front, possibly by a zipper. It had a gathered lower hem and was also possibly brownish
in colour. - Shoes may have been a semi-formal brogue. - Whether he was wearing gloves or not could not be ascertained. -
He was not wearing a rucksack or any other identifiable objects. - He was only carrying a child, with the head against
the left upper chest away from JT and the feet to the right – i.e. cradling the child like a baby. - He appeared
to be walking in a rush to get somewhere. - He was not someone JT recognised from the week. - He was not dressed typically
for a "tourist," or at least his clothing did not seem to be of UK origin and may have been purchased in Portugal.
of Child:
- The child appeared to be a Caucasian girl about the ages of 3-4. - She was seen to lie motionless/limp
in the man's arms consistent with her sleeping or possibly drugged. - She did not seem to be wrapped up well for the time
of night wearing only pyjamas; the trousers were light coloured with a floral element, possibly with turn-ups. The top was
not well seen though there was thought to be another colour involved possibly pink. - She was not wearing shoes.
checked only 5D entering via the deadlocked door on the car park side of the apartment. Both children inside were asleep.
She did not check 5A or 5B.
2120: JT then returns to the restaurant, by
which time GM has also returned. The entire party then begins eating their starters which have arrived.
2125: After starters, MO and RJO go back to the apartments via the car park entrance to check
all flats. They go first to 5D where RJO's daughter Evie is heard crying. RJO enters flat, whilst MO checks inside 5B,
and then returns to 5D.
2130: RJO remains in 5D as daughter has vomited.
MO goes to check on 5A via the patio gate entrance. The outside gate is probably shut, but the child gate on the stairs up
to the patio is possibly open. The patio door is closed but unlocked.
MO enters flat, hears a sound in the children's bedroom that is probably one of the twins rolling over in their cot.
He does not enter the bedroom but can see through a now quite open door (greater than 45 degrees) into the room. He sees
the two twins in their cot, but does not check Madeleine formally as no sounds and twins asleep. He recalls the room did seem
lighter than expected, perhaps suggesting the shutter had been raised or the curtains opened?
MO returns to restaurant table, by which time main courses are arriving or being eaten. MO tells JT that Evie unwell.
2140: JT returns to 5D to take over care of Evie from RJO.
2145: RJO returns to table to eat main course leaving JT in 5D.
2155: RMO asked time at table. RJO's main course arrives.
22.00: (approx): KM leaves table to check children in 5A. The patio gate is closed and the child
gate is also probably closed. She enters through the closed patio entrance, with the curtains closed. She crosses the living
area, and there is no noise from the children's bedroom. She is about to leave, when she notices the bedroom door was open
(approximately 60 degrees). She starts to close it and it slams. Considering the patio doors had caused a draft, she checks
these doors but they are closed. KM returns to the bedroom and opens the door to check the children were not disturbed by
the noise. At this point, she notices that Madeleine is missing. She checks the other single bed in the room and also Kate
and Gerry's beds. Then she double checks that Madeleine was not in her bedroom again. At this point she notices the curtains
blowing forward with a gust of wind. She runs over, pulls open the curtains and notices the shutter was completely raised,
and the windows pushed open to the left as far as possible.
She then completes a check of the bathroom, kitchen and wardrobes.
On failing to find Madeleine, she runs to the entrance of the restaurant, shouting from the path leading to the restaurant
area raising the alarm that Madeleine was missing.
Gerry McCann's witness statement: 10 May 2007

Kate arrives at the police station in Portimão, 06 September 2007 |
Kate McCann's witness statement: 06 September 2007
Witness statement of Kate Marie Healy, on the 6th of September 2007, at 3 p.m.
Processos Vol X, pages 2359-2548 Location: CID Portimão

Kate leaves the police station in Portimão following questioning, 06 September 2007 |

Kate arrives for her arguida interview, 07 September 2007 |
Kate McCann's arguida statement: 07 September 2007
Arguido questioning of Kate Marie Healy, on the 7th of September 2007, at 11 a.m.
Processos Vol X, pages 2557-2561 Location: CID Portimão

Kate leaves after her arguida interview, 07 September 2007 |

Gerry arrives for questioning as an arguido on 07 September 2007 |
Gerry McCann's arguido statement: 07 September 2007
Arguido questioning of Gerald Patrick McCann, on the 7th of September 2007,
at 4.05 p.m.Processos Vol IV, pages 2569-2578 Location: CID Portimão

Gerry leaves, following his questioning as an arguido, 07 September 2007 |
Kate's fear of being locked up, 09 September 2007
09 September 2007
ANGUISHED mum Kate hugged her two-year-old twins close and said a tearful goodbye as she was
called in for her SECOND tough interrogation by Portuguese cops.
She had already endured an 11-hour grilling on Thursday and feared she might not be coming home from Friday's session.
A friend revealed: "Kate was petrified that the detectives would charge her over Maddie's disappearance and keep her
in prison.
"When she left for the police station on Friday she had no idea whether she'd be seeing little Sean and Amelie later
that day or weeks down the line.
"So she went to see them at their crèche and said goodbye, she gave them both a big kiss and cuddle. It was a very emotional
journey and her goodbye with Gerry was very personal, too.
"It wasn't so much the words he used, but the look of resilience he gave her. He was saying to her 'Don't let them get
you down, we can do this.'"
And the pal said that Kate did him proud as she remained defiant throughout the five-hour interview and even turned the
tables on the officers, asking them to produce their evidence.
The source said: "Once Kate was formally named as a suspect she had the right to remain silent. But when the police started
laying it on thick, she hit back and demanded to be shown what they'd got to support their theory that she and Gerry had killed
Maddie then covered up the crime.
"Kate's determined not to be pushed into saying anything that isn't true.
"It was very intense but she stood her ground."
Gerry emerged from his grilling at the police station just after midnight on Friday and a family friend revealed he found
the ordeal and allegations distressing.
"But he was determined not to give the police the satisfaction of seeing him break down," said the friend.
"He held firm and answered all the questions. He wasn't going to cry in front of them."
But the tears flooded out when Gerry arrived back at the family's villa in the early hours of yesterday for an emotional
reunion with Kate.
The pal said: "There was an explosion of anger. They're in a state of disbelief and shock at what's happened. But they
are just trying to remain focused on finding Madeleine."
With thanks
to Nigel at
McCann Files