The Bull pub, has a set of concrete steps
which lead down to the coast, and a footpath
that links up with and connects to another
access point further along the coast where
small fishing boats are moored each
This pub is situated only a matter of yards
away from Kelly's bar just down the hill |
Shows a view, standing where Kelly's bar is
situated, looking back up the hill towards
"the Bull" public house. To get to the
derelict building opposite the church at PDL,
Portugal, you would need to follow the road
left where the pub is, and then turn
immediately right downhill in the general
direction of the viewpoint, with the church
on your left, and the derelict building on
your right. As mentioned previously, the
grounds of the derelict building back
directly onto the rear of "The "bull" public
house |
View showing junction, church situated down
hill toward viewpoint, with derelict
building on right. "The Bull" public house,
and Kelly's Bar, located to the right (out
of shot) beyond advertising boards on
pavement, to right of these... |
View showing junction, church and derelict
building down road to left, "The Bull"
public house, and "Kelly's Bar" located down
along road to right... |
Showing view, "The Bull" public house, on
left, and Kelly's Bar, is located just
around the corner, down hill to the right
out of shot...
Grounds of derelict building are situated
behind these premises (The BUll public
house), and can be accessed via a through
fare on the far side of the pub, albeit any
person wishing to get into the
aforementioned grounds would have to scale a
wall... |
Kelly's Bar, just around the corner from the
derelict building, and the church at PDL,
Portugal. Just up the hill, is also situated
"The Bull" public house, which backs into
the grounds of the aforementioned derelict
building. It would take about six minutes to
walk to here from apartment 5a, or the tapas
bar... |
African Craft Shop, situated close to
Kelly's Bar, PDL, Portugal. The Smith
contingent turned right here upon leaving
Kelly's bar on the evening of 3rd May 2007,
en route back to their apartment, walking up
the hill (out of shot)... |
View showing street where "The Bull" Public
house is situated, (PDL, Portugal), ahead,
Derelict building on left, with another
street, branching off to the right (out of
shot)... |
Person who carried Maddie down toward coast,
and eventual confrontation, walked along
this route,turning right along road situated
between white gable end of building in
foreground, and waste land shown opposite on
right.. |
The notice board at the church in PDL,
Portugal, |
family picture, hangs pinned to the notice
board of the church, situated across the
road from Derelict building, where ghost of
Maddie was photographed... |
Kelley's bar to right (out of shot), Smith
family left there to go back to apartment
and saw man carrying child who they believed
was Maddie,. down towards the sea, or
coastline... |
This is the view Jane Tanner would have had
(shown in daylight as opposed to darkness)
of the road junction at the top of the road
where she claims she saw
the man carrying
the child wearing pink panama's - Imagine
this view at night, and ask yourself this
question, how would Jane Tanner have been
able to say that the person carrying a
child, was a man or a woman? |
Location in street outside apartment 5a,
where Gerry McCann and "Jez" Wilkins, were
talking, and where Jane Tanner alleges she
saw a man at the junction at the top of the
road carrying off Maddie - at night it would
have been unlikely that Tanner could have
seen what she witnessed to have seen, by
reference to this view, in this image taken
during daylight hours... |
Looking over the boundary wall into the
grounds of the church at PDL, Portugal... |
Hire car premises at top of road close to
the church and the derelict building at PDL,
Portugal |
View from wall, in boundary of church at PDL.
Portugal, looking in opposite direction to
P1240793 |
A view,
looking up hill from outside front of
derelict building, opposite church at PDL,
Portugal |
Church at
PDL, Portugal (our Lady of Light), |
View through window of
derelict building opposite church at PDL,
Portugal showing aforementioned church
directly across the road |
Mechanism of Church at PDL,
Portugal, McCanns had key to allow
them access 24 hrs a day -
photograph taken on 4th June 2010,
at 2:10;26pm |
4 June 2010,
at 1:41;54pm |
4 June 2010,
at 1:42;22pm |
Location of Second Horizontal Drain along west
coast at PDL, Portugal, close to fishing boats |
Location of Second Horizontal Drain along west
coast at PDL, Portugal, close to fishing boats -
photograph taken on 9 June 2010, at 12:18:28pm |
Location of Second Horizontal Drain along west
coast at PDL, Portugal, close to fishing boats -
photograph taken on 9 June 2010, at 12:18:32pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:58:04pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:58:58pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:59:10pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:58:06pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:58:18pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:57:48pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:57:44pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:57:40pm |
3 June 2010,
taken at 1:59:20pm |
7 June 2010,
at 8:43:26 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:13:56 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:14:30 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:14:38 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:14:44 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:15:04 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:19:50 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:17:02 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:18:20 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:29:02 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:20:34 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:22:52 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:29:32 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:29:16 |
7 June 2010,
at 8:43:24 |
7 June 2010, at
8:44:28 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:03:20 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:03:00 |
7 June 2010,
at 8:45:08 |
7 June 2010,
at 8:44:54 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:13:14 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:03:26 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:15:18 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:15:12 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:16:30 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:16:26 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:17:22 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:18:02 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:20:44 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:20:52 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:19:40 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:18:06 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:22:46 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:22:42 |
7 June 2010,
at 9:28:36 |