The testimony as it happened...
(08.10.2013, 2:25pm) Manuel Catarino is
Editor in Chief of the Portuguese daily, the Morning
Mail (Correio da Manhã) and a journalist
familiar with criminal processes. He authored "A
culpa dos McCann" ("The guilt of the McCanns")
with a preface by Francisco Moita Flores, that
contains an interview by the criminologist José
Manuel Anes, who reviewed the PJ investigation.
The Judge asks whether the witness knows what
this trial is about.
MC replies that he was involved in various
journalistic works on this issue.
The Judge asks him when.
MC in 2008.
The Judge asks if the witness' relations with
Gonçalo Amaral are only professional or if they are
MC says they are professional, but he
knows Gonçalo Amaral personally.
The Judge asks whether MC knows the McCanns.
MC says "no".
SO – As a journalist, you will have followed this
Madeleine McCann process. When?
MC From Day One.
SO – How were you aware of the criminal process
when the McCanns were made arguidos?
MC explains his knowledge originated in the
news Reports, he didn't receive information
directly, he coordinated the work of the journalists
and reviewed the information they sent him.
SO – Have you got the DVD (provided by the Public
MC says "yes".
SO – Have you read GA's book?
MC says he did.
SO – Was there a decrease in interest following
the publication of the book?
MC thinks that the attention was greater when
the McCanns were in the Algarve.
SO – But was there a decrease because of the
MC says he can't answer that.
SO – As a redaction coordinator, have you
instructed not to publish more on this case because
the news had lost interest?
MC No, a newspaper doesn't abandon cases.
What counts are relevant points and this is decided
every single day.
SO – Are you aware of other books on this case?
MC says that the Madeleine McCann mystery
raised curiosity. The interest for the story was
great, that is why so many books were published.
SO – Since you saw the AG Final Report and you
read the book, did you find that content in the book
included revelations?
MC remembers that the book was released after
the Final Report and that the revelations weren’t
really unique.
SO – Then the book doesn't bring revelations?
MC agrees.
b) TVI's lawyer, Dr Miguel Coroadinha.
TVI – Haven't you yourself written a book on this
MC says he did.
TVI – When was it published?
MC says it was at the end of 2008, beginning
of 2009.
(Note: the book was published on the 6th December
TVI wants to know what the book is about...
The Judge overrules and says the book will be
included within the trial files.
TVI – What does the book consist of?
MC says the book has two parts. One is on the
news published by the newspapers and the other
consists of analyses by experts on the various
aspects of the criminal investigation.
TVI – How many newspapers were taken into
MC says the main newspaper was the Correio
da Manhã. The first part of the book is based
upon facts described in its articles.
TVI – You said that no newspaper ceases abruptly
to mention any issue?
MC – Yes, and any published book is news.
TVI – But isn't there a first phase where a lot
of attention is given to a case and then isn't it
normal that the interest subsides?
MC In the case of Joana Cipriano, there was a
beginning and there was an end. The case of
Madeleine McCann is a crime without punishment, it
is an open narrative.
TVI – A book cannot suppress this situation?
MC Logically no.
2) McCann lawyer, Dr Ricardo Alfonso.
RA asks why Manuel Catarino described this case
as a crime without punishment.
MC A child disappeared, that is a crime...
TVI intervenes – What is the crime?
RA – You said that the attention didn't decrease
when the book was published. Do you remember that
the Correio da Manhã published an interview
with Gonçalo Amaral?
MC says "yes".
RA – When?
MC says it was just before the book was
RA – Did the Correio da Manhã consider it
was in the public interest to publish this kind of
MC says "yes".
Nothing more was said.