DAY 50 |
We never thought it would happen: 50 days without Madeleine.
Solidarity the world over has been expressed today with the
launch of balloons in every continent to remember Madeleine
and other missing children. The event in Praia da Luz had
considerable media interest as did many other releases the
world over. Sean and Amelie released their balloons shortly
after kate and I let go our 50 and we were pleased the media
respected our wish for the twins not to be photographed any
longer. Please send digital images and video of your local
event to
were not planning to say anything at the launch but there
was such a large turnout from Portuguese TV who we have not
for some time that we decided to answer their questions. The
beauty of the launch was the local and international
dimension with media coverage spreading Madeleines image far
and wide.
We have seen the video of the Ullapool
(home of the website and my sister Phil) launch, Glasgow and
extensive pictures from
Amsterdam. We very much look forward to seeing pictures from
all the other venues. One of these balloons may just be
found by someone who recognises Madeleine and alerts the
authorities. |
DAY 49 |
Met with the
Portuguese police today for an update. Their
committemnt to find Madeleine
matches ours and we all hope for that vital breakthrough
every day.
We have literally received thousands of
letters, cards and messages of support here in
which have helped give us strength
during this terrible time. Yesterday we received a
particularly touching gift which is entitled
Madeleines Book of Hope made up with comments from
children of all ages from 3 different schools including a
pre-school. The messages in different coloured pages with
green and yellow ribbons had both the power to us cry and
The response to the balloon launch to mark 50
days that Madeleine has been missing has been incredible.
There are close to 300 centres, and countries all over the
world, participating. There has been a lot of local media
interest but remember to take digital photographs and videos
if possible which will be able to be uploaded to the website
so we can display them. The message of
Madeleines disappearance will reach
many more people tomorrow.
A pleasing aspect of the
launch will be the highlighting of other missing or abducted
children, many of whom will have recieved
little public attention. I know that 7 year old
Vargas will be
remembered in
and his family will be releasing balloons from Gran
where he disappeared in March of this year.
campaign to find Madeleine will be associated with other
child welfare issues in the future. We are very keen to see
more debate
on issues that we and
other families in similar situations have to face.
abuse is a taboo subject still in many countries and we must
encourage responsible debate around how child abuse can be
DAY 48 |
Another busy day of meetings
this time in
Leicester. No mishaps thankfully.The
main meeting was that of Maddeleines
fund where we discussed implementing a strategy to maintain
our campaign to find Madeleine. It was agreed in principle
to appoint a family spokesperson who will act, not just for
Kate and I, but also on behalf of
the extended family who have been liasing
with the media. This appointment will take a lot of strain
off family members who have been putting in such massive
efforts to help find Madeleine.
We are delighted with the
response to the 50th day balloon launch
which will truly be a global
event. There will be a few variations to the release of
balloons however. In
Ventura, Southern California,
50 white doves will be released and in
Afghanistan kite racing, an activity banned under the
Taliban, will be the order of the day. Arrived back in
da Luz this evening and it was great to see Kate
and the Kids, even though I was only away for a day and a
half. |
DAY 47 |
Flew in to
to for a series of meetings.
Helped a passenger on the flight who
collapsed. He was ill enough to require a full
assessment on arrival and went off to hospital in an
Unfortunately shortly after arriving in
I had my wallet stolen which meant I was running
I did manage to get to all my meetings which ran late into
the evening. We had very good discussions regarding
sustaining the search for Madeleine long term. The role for
Kate and I in the campaign will not
be nearly be so
public. We have to balance any campaigning in the search for
Madeleine with protecting Sean and Amelie
and making sure their privacy is protected. We are
exploring the use of new media and using local advertising,
particularly in
There will of
course be event driven media
exposure such as the balloon launch on Friday 22nd. There
are several other very good ideas being developed and a few
large companies are willing to help us. |
DAY 46 |
Kate and I got the respone we wanted after speaking to the
Portuguese ploice today. We are assured that no criticism of
our actions on the night Madeline
disappeared was
There has been a good response to our planned
balloon release for Madeleine and other missing children on
Friday and we are confident that over 50 countries will berepresented.
The twins have really enjoyed seeing family who have been
visiting us for the last 3 days- it has passed very quickly.
Hopefully the next time we see them it will be with
Madeleine. |
DAY 45 |
Kate and I managed an early morning run before church.
The first event of our
longer term campaign will be on Friday 22nd June- this will
mark the 50th day Madeleine will be missing. We will be
launching green and yellow balloons from at least 50 centres
worldwide to mark the fact that we are still searching as
are other parents of missing children. Countries that are
partcipating so far are Argentina, El
Salvador, USA, Canada, Ireland, UK, The Netherlands,
Germany, Portugal (Kate and I in Praia da Luz), Spain, South
Africa, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Australia
and New Zealand. . Any other countries that wish to
partcipate can download information from the website.
DAY 44 |
Kate and I dropped Jon at the airport this morning and
picked up some more friends/family who have come out to see
us, but particularly the twins. They were certainly happy to
see our
visitors! After lunch we headed off to the local zoo.
Relatively quiet on the campaign front today as it is a
family day. Tomorrow we will announce one or two planned
events to keep Madeleines disappearnace high profile. |
DAY 43 |
The good news today is that the search in response to
the letter in the Telegraaf did not find evidence of Madeleine. We still
belive that
Madeleine is alive. We have made some real progress deciding on
campaign strategy. There is a huge amount of goodwill from people who want
to help us find Madeleine and we have some concrete offers of support and
are trying to finalise details before releasing them.Tomorrow will be a
family day. |
DAY 42 |
Six weeks since Madeleine disappeared. We believe
Madeleine is alive and I am glad to say that following yesterday's letter in
the Telegraaf (Netherlands) there has been no evidence that Madeliene is in
the area indicated although there will be further searches tomorrow.
Kate and I picked up a friend from Faro airport who has been
instrumental in
helping with the campaign. He has been fantastic, producing the DVD of
Madeleine to ‘Don’t you forget about me’
which has been shown at many
sporting events and concerts as well as producing the look for maddie logo
and various posters.
We spent most of the day updating each other and
discussing future campaign ideas. We are getting closer to appointing a
campaign manager who will handle media liaison and coordinating events to
keep Madeleine’s disappearance highly visible
TEL 14-06-07
Met with Portuguese and British police today
to get an update on the investigation. We were reaasured that information
continues to come in, and we continue to pray for a breakthrough.
We were extremely disappointed in the publication of the anonymous letter in
The Telegraaf (Netherlands) claiming to know where Madeleine is buried.
Although all information will be taken seriously, we were very upset that
the credibility of this letter had not been examined and, more importantly,
published before the Portuguese police had an opportunity to investigate the
claim, and search the area if appropriate without massive media attention.
We feel strongly that this was an irresponsible piece of journalism and even
if it were true is insensitive and cruel.
One can imagine how upsetting it is for Kate and I to hear of such claims
through the media and if every piece of information was published like this
there would be nothing else in the newspapers. |
39 -12/06/2007
We finished off our trip to
with a private visit to the minister for religious affairs this morning. He
is an academic, senior cleric and adviser to the King of Morocco. We
explained to him that although we are Roman Catholic we have received
messages of support and prayers from all religious groups. Leicester, where
we live, is extremely diverse culturally with a large proportion of Muslims
and there were prayers for Madeline throughout
Leicester on Sunday. We asked the minister
if prayers could be said for Madeleine and other missing children in
Morocco. He told us
that people were praying for her and again emphasised that if Madeleine is
they would find her. En route to the airport a lorry had overturned blocking
the exit from the motorway. The Moroccan people dealt with this in a very
calm and relaxed manner, which we have found is a very engaging aspect of
their character. Arriving back in Praia da Luz it
was great to see Sean and Amelie. I think they
were happy to see us although have been very well looked after as usual. We
have no more trips planned for the immediate future and will spend the next
few days taking stock. Tonight we have also gone to the church for prayers,
as it is now 40 days and nights since Madeleine was abducted. No child or
parent should have to endure his experience and we prayed that she would be
found safe and well. |
38 -12/06/2007
We spent the day in Rabat
meeting 3 child welfare groups, the minister for interior and the chief of
police. We had little knowledge of Morocco before coming here and have
learned what a family orientated and child loving society it is. Everyone
has been incredibly sympathetic and said they will do everything to help us
find Madeleine. As well as the meetings there was a very touching experience
outside the National Observatory for Chidren's Rights. As we pulled up in
the car there were about 150 children waving posters of Madeleine with the
words above and below a picture of her:
'All Moroccan Children Are
With You Madeleine- Madeleine: Back Home'. They were singing
and cheering Madeleine's name and shouting 'coeur', Heart. This whole experience was
uplifting and enlightening at the same time in that we had no concept that
so many children in Morocco would know of Madeleine and also be internet-
friendly. It is just as likely that a child will spot Madeleine and alert a
responsible adult. The whole world really has changed and is a lot smaller
in this computer age. If Madeleine is in Morocco we have no doubt that she
will be found.
We did a couple of interviews for ITV and Sky and
followed up our Newspaper interviews focussing on a change in the phase of
the campaign. We confirmed that there will be a period of reflection before
we decide on what is the best role for Kate and I. The campaign and the
search for Madeleine will continue and with everyone's help we will find
her. So please stay with us. |
attended mass this morning and the Bishop had sent a very nice message
that he and everyone else was praying for Madeleine. He also said that
our attitude in this time of adversity was an example for others.
Contrary to some of the headlines in the Sunday papers the campaign to
find Madeleine will not ease up. Kate’s and my role will be different
Morocco compared to the last 3
weeks. As I said earlier we will reflect on the investigation, what the
campaign has achieved and where we will be best directed. We will be
less evident in the media, at least for a few days, unless there is a
breakthrough in the investigation. First of all we have
Morocco. We drove up to
Lisbon late this afternoon to catch a flight to
Casablanca where embassy
officials will meet us. We were surprised to learn that a 20 seat
propeller plane was sent instead of the larger aircraft. Luckily Kate,
Clarence and I got squeezed on although we were certainly rather
apprehensive about flying on such an aircraft- it reminded us of some of
the internal flights we took in New Zealand in the mid 90’s. The meeting
will follow a similar itinerary as to the European visits. We will meet
with the ambassador and his staff, two children’s charities, the
interior minister and possibly the chief of police. We will do two
interviews for the main TV stations and the press conference will be
last. I am sure we will be asked about the Marrakech siting which has been extensively reported in the press. I should
be able to get some more details of this from ITV, who interviewed the
witness, and hopefully the justice minister to find out what enquiries
were made by the local police |
Day 37
- 11/06/2007 Kate and I had a slightly busier day on the media front than
expected. We did a short press interview for the Irish Sunday papers,
mainly to thank the Irish for their fantastic level of support. We
followed that with one for the British Sundays which is likely to be the
last one we do for a while. We talked about our pain of not having
having Madeleine for such a long time and for our need to grieve, which
occurs mainly in private. We also talked about how after Morocco we will
have to spend some time reflecting both emotionally, and also how best
the campaign can be taken forward. What we want to ensure is that the
campaign has a psoitive effect on finding Madeleine.
After this
we headed down to Sagres which is the very most southwestern tip of
Portugal. There is a very nice beach and we had lunch with the family.
After returning from the beach we did the Irish version of
Crimewatch-‘Crimecall’. There are a lot of Irish tourists in and around
Praia da Luz and although the awareness of Madeleine’s disappearance in
Ireland is extremely high, we want to ensure that everyone is aware of
the appeal and we want the Irish public to come forward with photographs
of people who they do not know who were in and around Praia da Luz in
the 2 weeks leading up to the 3rd May. The address to upload photographs
is: to www.madeleine.ceopupload.com .
We have also asked for people to contact their local police if they have
seen a man matching the description of the suspect carrying a child seen
around the time of Madeleine’s abduction. He is 30-40 years, 1.70-1.80m
(5’7”-11”), caucasian and was wearing a dark jacket, beige or mustard
coloured trousers with dark shoes. No major news on the investigation
front- we still believe it is just a single phone call away.
Quieter day today.
This was a good chance to catch up with campaign e-mails and phone calls
after the trips to
Amsterdam. At lunchtime we
went to the release of 1000 yellow balloons at the beach carrying cards
with Madeleine’s picture on it and information in 5 different languages
including arabic.
There were similar launches in
Manchester and
Madrid. The event was
organsied by the Sun who, like almost all of the media,
have been incredibly supportive. I told Nick, the Sun
journalist, that we are happy to support all strategies which increase
the chances of finding Madeleine. Later in the afternoon we went down to
the beach and had dinner in one of the restaurants which Sean and
really enjoyed. Sean, in particular has acquired a taste for sea-bass!
Kate and I did a short interview for BBC East Midlands to thank everyone
for their support and it is likely that this will be shown around most
of the regions, certainly Northwest and BBC Scotland. Kate and most of
the family headed down to the church for the regular Friday night vigil
but I was just too shattered.
Tommorrow will largely be a family day although I am not
sure what we will be doing yet. |
DAY 35 |
Day 35
- 06th June 2007
The press
conference, meetings and appeal on TV today in
Amsterdam all seemed to go well. I doubt there
are many people left in
Europe who do not know of Madeleine’s
disappearance and hopefully everyone who has information will have come
forward to the police. Today was particularly difficult for Kate and
I because of the year we spent in
with Madeleine. We have many friend s still there and could never have
imagined coming back without her in such dreadful circumstances.
Afterwards we caught with a friend of mine who was attending a medical
conference in Amsterdam and a friend who helps run a playgroup that we
attended We arrived back in Portugal and managed to spend some time with
Sean and Amelie. We then drove to the concert
Lagos in aid of Madeleine, which is the
first large public event in
Portugal that I know of supporting
the campaign. It was interesting mix of jazz, blues, orchestra and rap!
We were presented with a painting with green and yellow hands from a
class of
schoolkids- hands of hope. There was a short speech and Kate
thanked tke local
community for their support.
The amount of media coverage Madeleine’s disappearance has received is
phenomenal. After
we will have to take stock and decide on our best strategy. I am not
convinced going to other European countries and holding meetings similar
Berlin and
will help |
seemed to go very well with huge interest in our search for Madeleine.
There has also been a little bit of criticism in the German press about
the amount of media coverage but this did not seem to diminish the level
of interest. The German interviewers are a little more direct with their
questions but I was still surprised by the question as to whether Kate
and I may be involved in Madeleine’s abduction! Hopefully our answers
removed any doubt on that score and that our sole focus in all of the
family campaigning is to get Madeleine back. After the media we met with
a couple of politicians in private. Firstly, we saw the deputy justice
minister for
who gave us reassurances regarding the investigation. Following this we
met the Mayor of Berlin who is a very powerful and charismatic
politician. He asked us what he could do for us and following this
meeting asked German tourists who were in the
around the time of Madeleine’s abduction to come forward. He is very
popular and such public backing should help our appeal. We had to delay
our onward flight to
because of some information received by the police, which we needed to
be consulted on. We diverted to the embassy in
Berlin but it turned out to be nothing of
interest. We unfortunately had to miss 2 TV programmes as we arrived in
Amsterdam 3 hours late, very
tired and emotionally drained. We did manage to catch up with a few
friends briefly who we know from the year we lived in
Amsterdam. They have been actively campaigning
here on our behalf with poster distribution, contacting media and
liasing with companies to get advertising space for large
posters of Madeleine. |
Met with the Portuguese Police today. It is good to talk face to face especially with so much speculation in the media.
Kates parents arrived today to see
the kids and us. We managed to spend a couple of hours with them before
heading off for
Berlin. I had completely
forgotten that it is my birthday today,
it is anything but a happy one. However Sean and Amelie
made me a birthday card on behalf of them and Madeleine and Trisha made a
fruit flan. We sang happy birthday and blew the candles out together which
Sean and
Amelie really enjoyed. They were really happy to see Grandma
and Grandad, whom they are used to seeing every
few weeks in
Kates parents have been a huge help to us,
especially since the twins were born, often driving down to Leicestershire
for the weekend to help with the kids. This has been really important when I
have been on-call at weekends and Kate would have been left looking after
the three of them on her own. Trisha would often fly down to help when she
had a few days off or when her and Sandy were en
route to
Cambridge. It makes us feel better knowing
that we are leaving Sean and Amelie with very
close loved ones whilst we are away on this short trip to appeal for further
information and raise awareness of Madeleine’s disappearance.
Arrived in
Another busy programme tomorrow with TV, press, and
politicians to see and then straight on to
Amsterdam for more of the same. It all
helps in the search for Madeleine. |
Busier day
today with travel arrangements for
finalised. Leaving tomorrow night and coming back Thurs
afternoon. It will be a very busy schedule similar to
Madrid. On
Thurs night there is a music festival in aid of Madeleine in
Lagos which we
will be attending. Tonigh, we were
interviewed for
Crimeatch which will be shown on BBC1 tomorrow night. This
was a very good opportunity to recap on all the information
which is in the public domain and re-emphasise the appeal,
especially since the description of a suspect seen carrying
a child was released by the Portuguese police after the
initial British appeal. As well as some reports from
Crimewatch, you may see a picture
of me in a green and yellow find Madeleine t-shirt in
tomorrow’s paper. The t-shirts were brought over by Phil and
later on I thought better about wearing it around the resort
she was taken from. I am sure all the people who have chosen
to continue their
here, rather than take an alternative location, know about
Madeleine’s disappearance and don’t need a further reminder. |
Was encouraged to learn of the large volume of information which has
come through the Leicester incident room following the appeal. Hopefully
the Portuguese police will have had a good reponse also and we hope to
meet with them in the next couple of days for an update. Chris and Les,
who travelled over with the huge inflatable banner which has been
positioned near the Spanish border, are heading home today. They were
very happy that the director of the Algarve tourist board allowed them
to put it up in private property owned by them, with thousands of cars
passing every hour and seeing Madeleine’s image and details of her
disappearance and reward. Sunday papers have reported our interviews
virtually verbatim but vey disappointed that the blog was lifted almost
in entirety by one newspaper yesterday after expressly forbidding such
an approach! The blog is to keep people visiting the website up to date
with our progress in the campaign to find Madeleine. |
Relatively quiet day. Did manage to repsond to some
e-mails regarding campaign issues with some excellent ideas coming
through. We did visit a local beach with Sean, Amelie and the rest of
the family who are here and managed to get a bite to eat. Having a huge
number of media reuests in but want these to be very focussed in areas
that will have clear benefits in the search for Madeleine. We did do a
German TV and newspaper interview which wiil be released tomorrow to
incraese awareness ahead of our planned visit to Berlin later this week.
Most of the Sunday newspapers will carry some of the interview as a
British reporter sat in and asked a few more quetions related to the
campaign strategy. |
With the help of the British Embassy we had a very busy day. First of
all we had a short briefing from the ambassador and her staff. We then
had a series of meetings with: multiple non-governmental agencies
involved in child welfare, did a TV programme akin to Crimewatch
focussing on Madeleine’s disappearance, a press conference which was
well attended, a couple of short US news channel interviews with
European coverage and finally met with the Spanish Minister for the
Interior (Home Secretary equivalent). We left Madrid feeling as if the
Spanish were treating Madeleine’s disappearance like one of their own.
Meanwhile in Portugal Phil arrived with thousands of posters in
different languages. Most of these have been delivered to the Irish
centre at Fatima and more at Lisbon airport. Planning a family day
tomorrow. Will weigh up next phase of the search over the weekend. |
Press conference in Rome went
very well giving us an excellent forum to
ask for help in the search for Madeleine. We
told people about the website, how to
download posters and ask people to print
them and take on holiday wherever they are.
We arrived in Madrid late last night and
have a series of meetings arranged with
government and non government agencies
concerned with child welfare. We will also
be hosting a press conference again to raise
general awareness of Madeleine´s
disappearance and ask for the public´s help
in our search for Madeleine. We may also do
a few very short interviews for US news
stations which are widely broadcast in
Europe, N.Africa and Asia, particularly in
English speaking hotels and other outlets.
Will update after meetings. |
Today has gone as well as we could possibly imagine.
We woke around 7.15am and got ourselves ready. There was a lovely
continental breakfast prepared but both Kate and I ate very little due
to nerves. We left the Embassy just after 9.00am and stopped en route to
the Vatican, at Piazza Pia for a photo opportunity with St Peters in the
distance. I made a very short statement regarding our forthcoming visit
and expressed my gratitude to Francis Campbell, the British Ambassador
to the Vatican, and his staff for making us feel as if we were part of
their family.
We arrived in plenty of time for the Papal
audience and were delighted to find we were seated in the ‘Prima Fila’-
the first row. Clarence, Francis and Monsingneur Charlie Burns, a
colourful Glaswegian who teaches at the seminary and looks after the
Ambassador’s spiritual well being were seated immediately behind us. It
was extremely sunny and I have to admit that Kate and I were struggling
somewhat with the heat in our dark suits but Francis rescued us with an
umbrella and some water and following that some heavy cloud rolled in,
cooling us down.
The atmosphere in St Peter’s square was almost
carnival like with up to 35,000 people there to see the Pope. He did not
disappoint, driving slowly around the crowd in his open jeep, waving
cheerfully. We were sombre in contrast given that we were there to ask
Benedict to pray for Madeleine, although I am sure others were also
there to get blessings for their loved ones. After this the Pontiff took
his seat in front of approximately 30 cardinals, bishops and priests.
One of the priests, Father Daniel Gallagher from the US, came up to us
before the service and said some very kind words; that he was praying
and everyone was praying for Madeleine daily.
The service
started with a series of addresses from priests representing the various
French, German, Italian, English, Spanish and Polish speaking
congregations present. Each parish represented was mentioned and various
bands, mainly German, played short pieces and a few choirs sang a verse
and the large Polish contingent priests seated behind us wearing large
yellow scarves tied like ribbons around theirs necks sang 3 or 4! At the
end of this preamble the priest stated that the Pope was happy to tell
us he was praying for the congregation, our families, our children and
those who were suffering. These words seemed so poignant in the light of
Madeleine’s abduction and naturally both Kate and I were, naturally,
very emotional. The Pope’s actual address seemed to pass in a blur and I
am looking forward to reading the actual transcript as I can remember
very little of the actual words.
Following the completion of the
Papal address in the different languages, Benedict individually greeted
the other clergy on the dias. During this period Father Gallagher
presented us with a small gift to remind us that he would pray daily for
Madeleine and a cardinal also expressed similar sentiments. The Pope
took approximately 20 minutes to meet other people in the Prima Fila
before reaching us. It felt as if time stood still for a moment when the
Pope looked into our faces and there was almost instant recognition and
a change in his expression. He said he would pray for us, our family and
Madeleine. Kate passed him a photograph of Madeleine and he blessed this
and would pray for her safe returning. The meeting was more personal
than we could have imagined given the number of people there and will
help us sustain our hope and determination to find Madeleine.
The press conference followed shortly afterwards and was very well
attended. We will give more details tomorrow as we are very tired
following our visit and hope to get an early night before planning our
next trip. |
have been preoccupied with
preparation for our audience
with the Pope tomoorow morning.
This morning was spent acquiring
some appropriate dress for the
meeting since we had only
holiday clothes with us in
Portugal. Clarence has been
inundated with calls regarding
the visit to Rome and done most
of the organisation behind the
It has been very
difficult to leave Sean and
Amelie but it is only for one
nght and we will be back to see
them before bedtime tomorrow.
Trish and Sandy (Madeleine’s
Godparents) who have been with
us in Portugal since Day 2 are
looking after them and we were
surprised to hear they were
tucked up in bed by 7.30pm- they
must like their new beds!
The flight to Rome passed
extremely quickly and some
footage was taken for TV. We did
a couple of short interviews for
the British and Portuguesae
press about our feelings
regarding the trip. Under normal
circumstances we would be
extremely excited about meeting
the Pope, but as we are here as
a result of Madeleine’s
abduction the circumstances are
very different. We expect to
receive a great spiritual lift,
especially if we get to speak to
the Pontiff personally. After
the audience we will be holding
a short press conference in the
British Embassy to the Vatican
to talk about our campaign to
publicise Madeleine’s
disappearance and of course, our
audience with the Pope.
Frncis Campbell, the British
ambassador to the Holy See, and
his staff picked us at the
airport and brought us directly
to the Embassy residences near
the city centre. We have been
made to feel completely at ease
and almost as if we are part of
a small family here, which has
helped ease our tangible nerves,
not unsurprising given the
importance of tomorrow’s
meeting. We are now retiring and
will be saying our usual prayers
for Madeleine’s safe return
DAY 26 - 29/05/2007 |
www.bringmadeleinehome.com |
Confirmation arrived this
evening that we are to attend the Vatican and a service with The
Pope. It is likely we will be seated in the front row and may have
an opportunity to speak with the Holy Father and ask for prayers for
Madeleine. This is a hugely important visit both personally, for
Kate and I, but also for the wider campaign to publicise Madeleine’s
disappearance. The trip has been facilitated through Cardinal Cormac
Murphy-O’Connor and we will be receiving assistance from the British
Embassy whilst in Rome. On this occasion because of the short notice
and the relatively early time of the service we have accepted the
kind offer of the use of Sir Philip Green’s personal jet, which will
help get us home quickly after our Papal visit to see the twins
before their bedtime. We will be accompanied by a small group of
media who are still with us in Praia da Luz and, as usual all the
material will be available to all the British press and broadcasters
equally. For all trips we are assessing whether commercial flights
can get us to our destination and back to Portugal quickly. This
will NOT be a Tour- it is a series of very brief visits with the
specific aim of raising awareness and we aim to get back here as
quickly as possible.
We have decided that for the majority
of trips it will not be practicable, or fair, to take Sean and
Amelie with us. They have an established routine which we do not
want to disrupt and will be looked after by very close family.
Tonight for the first time they have gone to sleep in their own
single beds, rather than cots, now that another two of our family
have gone home. We were planning to turn their cots at home into
beds after our 1 week holiday but obviously this has been delayed
with Madeleine’s abduction. We have been in Praia da Luz for over 4
weeks and Sean and Amelie’s development from toddlers to little boy
and girl continues. Madeleine will really notice the difference when
she sees them!
Some of you may have seen on the news the huge inflatable
billboard which has travelled all the way from the West of Scotland
to Portugal which will be used near busy roads/motorways to keep
Madeleine’s disappearance high profile. We had a brief chat with
Chris and Les, who drove almost non-stop from Glasgow to get here.
The extraordinary length ordinary people are going to help us is
truly overwhelming. We thank everyone for their efforts, no matter
how small, and we know this will make a difference in our search for
Madeleine. |
Strange day after all the activity during the week. Kate and I
started off with an early morning run to the the
top of the nearby cliffs. Sean and Amelie
were back in kids club and went swimming again. The rest of us
attended mass which was very emotional as a priest from RAF
Lossiemouth was visiting and further prayers were said for
Madeleine. Father Zee-Manuel has also rigged up a
powerpoint display projecting a
large photograph of Madeleine on to the wall, which he is very proud
of and reminds us of the beautiful little girl we are missing so
There have been some requests for more information
‘about Madeleine’ and this section will be updated very soon. We
will also be releasing a very short video of Madeleine taken at the
Airport on the day we left for
Saturday 28 April. Sean and Amelie went to
the beach this afternoon with mummy, auntie
Trisha and Anne but daddy stayed in the apartment catching up on
campaign e-mails, making calls and liaising with Clarence our press
officer. The resort is much busier again as it is half-term and
there are definitely less journalists here. Many of them have been
here since the beginning and are making this journey with us.
The couple of Sunday articles we read did not cover much of what we
talked about and seemed to get some of the other stuff wrong! We
stated that Sean and
Amelie are sleeping in our room (in separate cots) because
of other family staying with us and that we were trying to treat
them as normal and not be overprotective. This came out that we were
so protective we have to have them sleeping in our bed! These
inaccuracies are not important in our search for Madeleine and the
next phase is being planned currently.
It looks like our
planned trips to other European cities will start off in
Rome after we learned
today that the Pope has been following Madeleine’s abduction
closely. There is a reasonable chance we may get a chance to meet
the Pontiff and that he will pray for Madeleine. Such a visit would
generate huge publicity regarding the family campaign to find
Madeleine and will also give Kate and I a great spiritual lift. It will also raise the awareness of
missing and abused children generally. We continue to pray that
someone will provide the key information that leads us to Madeleine. |
Yesterday was relatively quiet
although we did meet the British ambassador
and the senior British Police Officer who
has been working here in
on the case. This was a productive meeting.
There was a flurry of activity amongst the
media here stating the family was openly
critical of the Portuguese policed which was
not true. We did our best to dampen this
down but a couple of papers carried stories
with our ‘frustration’ with the
investigation rather than what we said it
was frustrating that 3 weeks down the line
we still have not got Madeleine back. This
would be the case which ever country we were
in. Some of you may have noticed that Sean
and Amelie did
manage to squeeze in a hair cut!
Today was extremely busy and tiring. We met with our
press officer Clarence Mitchell, to discuss
strategy for the fortcoming
interviews. Kate attended a luncheon in aid
of International Missing Child day and John,
my brother, attended a similar event in
London. After this John and Brian Kennedy,
Kate’s uncle, who are both directors of
Madeleine’s fund appointed an interim fund
manager. We are now actively looking for a
campaign manager who will be needed once our
government press officer disappears. The
interviews were our first for TV and we were
happy how they went. We did 10 min
interviews for Sky, BBC, ITV, Portuguese
TV/radio and one for the press association.
A shorter interview with GM TV will be shown
on Monday morning along with stuff from our
fabulous web team. The interviewers were
very kind but did not shirk from asking us
some extremely difficult questions. We
answered them all and although painful will
allow us to move on in our search for
Madeleine. Importantly, shortly after our
interviews finished the Portuguese Police
held a press conference and gave details of
man they would like to interview who was
seen carrying a child on the night of
Madeleine’s disappearance. We have not had a
transcript of what was said but this is an
encouraging development and hopefully will
result in further calls to the police with
information from people who were in Praia
Luz around the time of Madeleine’s
abduction. We remain very optimistic that
the criminal investigation will lead to
Madeleine’s safe return but we need everyone
to be alert and vigilant to any suspicious
Tomorrow will be a family
day. We are doing a photo-shoot with the
twins for the Sunday newspapers in the
morning but will involve stuff that we want
to do with them anyway. We also need to
recharge our batteries after what has been a
very busy week. |
DAY 23
Day 22: 25/05/2007 |
No Update |
DAY 21 |
2nd version
24 May 2007
Today Kate and I went to the Shrine at
Fatima to pray for Madeleine´s safe return.
It was another early start leaving at 6.30am.
Mark Warner, who have looked after us so well, laid
on a car and driver. We managed to
continue the campaign with telephone
conversations and e-mails. The actual visit
with the rector and thousands of pilgrims
praying for Madeleine as well Kate and I. We
lit candles for Madeleine and also 3 for
Madeleine’s grandparents.
The trip received a lot of
publicity which should help maintain the profile of her
abduction. We are planning a relatively quiet day tomoorow
although the British Ambaasador is coming to visit and we
need to start finalising our plans for interviews in areas
of Europe where the coverage of Madeleine’s disappaerance
has been limited. |
DAY 20 |
Version 23 May 2007
Today Kate and I went to the Shrine at Fatima to pray for
Madeleine´s safe return. It was another early start leaving
at 6.30am.
MarkWarner, who have looked after us so well, laid on a car and driver.
We managed to continue the campaign with telephone
conversations and e-mails. The actual visit
was very
encouraging with the rector and thousands of pilgrims praying for
Madeleine as well Kate and I. We lit candles for Madeleine
and also 3 for Madeleine’s grandparents. The trip received a
lot of publicity
which should help maintain the profile of her abduction.We are planning a relatively quiet day tomoorow
although the British
Ambaasador is coming to visit
and we need to start finalising our plans for interviews in
areas of Europe where the coverage of Madeleine’s disappaerance has been limited. |
Day 18 - 21/05/2007
Monday |
TO |
Day 19 22/05/2007
Tuesday |
Update |
DAY 17 |
entry" A Day to day life for the McCann's" does not have a date on the screenshots. However if
you check the Sunday Mirror link it confirms that it
was Sunday 20-05-07 Day 17: Although the Sunday
Mirror says it is Day 18: which would have made it
MIRROR 20-05-07 |
A Day to day life for the McCann's
Our day starts around 6.30am with us all waking up around the same
time. We have breakfast with Sean and Amelie and our close
family/friends who are here with us. Then its clean nappies
and clothes for Sean and Amelie followed by showers etc for
the rest of us.
Usually there’s some free time then for a few stories or games with
the twins before heading out.
9.00-9.15 We take Sean and Amelie to Kids’ Club. They really enjoy
it and run in.
They know the staff well and the staff are all excellent. Both
love the domestic corner and Amelie particularly likes to
look after ‘babies’. We use the kids club a bit like nursery
at home but we think Sean and Amelie still think they are on
9.30~12.15. We return to the apartments, usually for a series of
meetings with our press officer, Mark Warner Reps,
occasionally Consulate staff, lawyers and British Liaison
officers. During this time we catch up with family and close
friends, usually by telephone and discuss ideas how to keep
Madeleine’s profile high especially throughout continental
12.30 Time to pick up Sean and Amelie from Kids’ club then head
back to apartment for lunch, which has usually been prepared
by one of our family/friends group who have been
tremendously supportive.
13.30 –14.30 This is time to spend time playing with the twins
either in the apartment or in the play area next to kids
14.30-15.00 Usually we take the twins back to Kids’ Club although
Sean has had the odd afternoon in the apartment as it’s a
bit cooler and he’s not much of a sun worshipper! They have
been taking part in many different activities including
painting, singing, stories, swimming, trips to the beach and
they have lots of toys to play with.
15.00~17.00 We try to get some time together alone, going for a
walk to talk things over or getting some exercise. This is
often the time for quiet trips to the church for prayers.
17.00-17.30 Meet kids for high tea with other mums and dads. They
love pasta and have been doing really well with their
vegetables although a few chips have been squeezed in.
17.30-18.30. Games with kids at play area. Amelie loves trying to
get in the baby pool!
18.30-19.30 Bath and story time with the twins.
20.00 We put the kids to bed.
20.30-23.00 We try to sit down for a family meal, again usually
cooked by one of the small family group out here with us.
Chat about the day’s events and plan the next day
23.30 bed and prayer for Madeleine that she will be returned to us
In addition to above we try to attend various church services
during the week, and make multiple phone calls to family and
friends. We try to watch the main news
early morning and late evening but have had almost no time
to read
the newspapers or even look at the pictures!
Kate is a keen runner and in the last few days has tried to include
a run in the
daily routine. Yesterday (Sat) at 7am we ran to the monument at the
top of the steep cliff overlooking Praia de
Luz. We reached it in 19 minutes. |
DAY 16 |
Update at 19:18PM on 19th of May 2007 97 Million hits!
Fund Update
Latest Update - ITV News
Madeleine parents believe she is
The parents of missing
four-year-old Madeleine McCann said they had taken
"tremendous strength" from the "warmth and spiritual
outpouring" from all around the world.
Gerry and Kate McCann
issued a brief statement from the Portuguese holiday resort
of Praia da Luz 11 days after their little girl disappeared
from their hotel room.
The pair said they were
"fully supporting" the police investigation into their
daughter's abduction and reaffirmed their belief that their
daughter is safe.
Mr McCann said: "Until
there is concrete evidence to the contrary, we believe
Madeleine is safe and is being looked after".
Madeleine's mother also
emphasised that the couple had no intention of returning to
Britain from Portugal in the immediate future.
A British legal team
has flown to Praia da Luz to help them and has launched a
special "fighting fund" to help in the hunt for Madeleine.
A statement from the
International Family Law Group, the firm instructed by the
McCanns, said details of how people could make donations
would be released within days.
A QC, Michael Nicholls,
has also been instructed by the family as their determined
battle to find Madeleine enters another week.
Madeleine's uncle John
McCann, who lives in Glasgow but was in Praia da Luz last
week, said the lawyers would play a liaison role and would
not interfere with the criminal investigation.
A spokesman for the
International Family Law Group said yesterday: "Gerry and
Kate are very grateful for all the support and generous
offers of help that they are receiving.
"Details of how
contributions can be made to help get Madeleine back to the
safety of her own family will be made available in the next
couple of days."
The McCanns were among
around ten British people who have been re-interviewed by
police in recent days to clarify their statements.
This week some of the
witnesses are expected to appear in court behind
closed doors to record
their evidence before they go back to the UK. The McCanns
themselves are not expected to be asked to take part.
The procedure, known as
"memory for the future", means taped statements can be shown
during a future trial so the witnesses do not have to return
to appear in court. |
Trade mark Filing date for
Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned |
Case details for Trade Mark 2456061
Property Office |
Mark text: Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned
Status: Registered Classes: 09, 16, 36, 41
Relevant dates
Filing date: 18 May 2007 Next renewal date: 18 May 2017 Registration date: 22 February 2008
List of goods or services
Class 09: Downloadable internet publications Class 16: Printed matter Class 36: Charitable fundraising; charitable and
non-charitable services relating to the provision of
assistance to families and others affected by
missing children. Class 41: Non-downloadable internet publications
'Madeleine's Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned'
This includes Ł50,000 donated by Portsmouth football club.
Funds taken over the counters of NatWest & RBS, along with the
donations made by cheque, have not yet hit the account.
Further updates will be provided on Monday 21st May 2007
The family
of Madeleine McCann are to-day launching the Madeleine’s
Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned appeal. The funds will be used to help find
Madeleine McCann, support her family and bring her abductors
to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families
and missing children in United Kingdom, Portugal and
elsewhere in similar circumstances.
From this morning, Thursday May 17th:
members of the public will be able to make donations to
'Madeleine's Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited'
over-the-counter in any branch of NatWest and The Royal Bank
of Scotland.
From now:
Postal Donations can be made with cheques payable to
'Madeleine's Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned'.
Cheques should be posted to the following
Fund’ c/o The International Family Law Group 26 Southampton Street
Covent Garden London WC2E 7RS
Internet donations can be made into the following account:
Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned'
Natwest PO BOX 113 Cavell House 2A Charing Cross Road London
Sort Code 60
40 05. Account Number 32130058
Internet banking donations from abroad
GB63 NWBK 6040
0532 1300 58 or IBAN : GB63NWBK60400532130058
Sort Code :
60 – 40 – 05 Account number :
32130058 Iban bic :
All donations will be processed free of charge.
Funds will be paid to Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned
Limited: Company Registration Number - 6248215
The objects of the Foundation are:
To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann
who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd
May 2007;
To procure that Madeleine’s abduction is thoroughly
investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who
played or play any part in assisting them, are identified
and brought to justice; and 3.1.3
To provide support, including financial assistance, to
Madeleine’s family. 3.2
If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the
Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases
arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere. |
2nd -
Reuters |
Day 10 - 13/05/2007
Sunday |
TO |
Day 12 - 15/05/2007 Tuesday |
start Day 17 |
DAY 09 |

8am Saturday 12th of May
4th Birthday
Day 07 - 10/05/2007
Thursday |
TO |
Day 08 - 11/05/2007
Friday |
Blogs start Day 17 |
1st -
Reuters |
Day 05 - 08/05/2007 |
Tuesday |
start Day 17 |
DAY 04

Statement read
by Kate McCann
given today
Monday 7 May at 2pm
Day 02 - 05/05/2007
TO |
Day 03 - 06/05/2007
Sunday |
start Day 17 |
May 4th 2007 McCanns moved into apartment 4A |
03.05.2007 Thursday
Madeleine Beth McCann disappeared from the
family Holiday apartment in Praia da Luz.
Kate McCann raised the alarm at 10pm. |