Susan Hubbard wife of Rev
Hubbard on location for
cutting edge 06.April 2009 |
Susan Hubbard for cutting
edge April 2009 |
Lisa Donovan. American
actress who plays Kate |
Arthur Cowley
and Dave Edgar have reviewed
30,000 files released by the
Portuguese authorities
think they uncovered vital
new evidence
(PA: Channel 4 Television)
Transcript - Cutting Edge
Thanks to Mitts |
First Section
Because of the length of
this, I’ll need to split it
up and post it in sections.
I don’t want it all to
disappear, before I hit the
“submit” button.
I have used abbreviations
for everyone’s name.
I have not included a
transcription of the
interaction with the
children. It’s so obviously
staged. If anyone
particularly wants those
bits, then PM me and I’ll
send them. Also, I have not
included the excerpt from
the Oprah show. (Stevo,
kindly did a full transcript
of this)
K: I did my check about
10.00 ‘clock and went in
through the sliding patio
doors and I just stood,
actually and I thought, oh,
all quiet, and to be honest,
I might have been tempted to
turn round then, but I just
noticed that the door, the
bedroom door where the three
children were sleeping, was
open much further than we’d
left it. I went to close it
to about here and then as I
got to here, it suddenly
slammed and then as I opened
it, it was then that I just
thought, I’ll just look at
the children and I could see
S and A in the cot and then
I was looking at M’s bed
which was here and it was
dark and I was looking and I
was thinking, is that M or
is that the bedding. and I
couldn’t quite make her out.
It sounds really stupid now,
but at the time, I was
thinking I didn’t want to
put the light on cos I
didn’t wanna wake them and
literally, as I went back
in, the curtains of the
bedroom which were drawn,…
were closed, … whoosh … It
was like a gust of wind,
kinda, just blew them open
and cuddle cat was still
there and her pink blanket
was still there and then I
knew straight away that she
had, er, been taken, you
Voice over: It’s now 2 years
since MM was abducted while
on holiday in Portugal. Her
parents, K&G live near L
with M’s brother and sister,
four year old twins, S&A.
G: We are a family, and
we’re a happy family, but we
are not a complete family.
KM: I think we’re far from
normality. We’re far from
normality but we’re closer
than we were.
K is painting the names of
the three children.
She asks the children what
is the name of their sister.
One of the children says the
full name and the other
child says the shortened
K: I honestly believe
they’re expecting her to
come home, you know, one day
soon. They are very much,
well, when Madeleine comes
back, we’ll share our toys
and, you know, A is wearing
Madeleine’s shoes. She’ll
say well these shoes won’t
fit M, now, so we’ll have to
take her and get her a
bigger pair of shoes when
she gets home. You know.
Voice over: K has given up
her work as a GP and now
stays at home with the
K: A lot of the places that
I go now ,I used to go with
Madeleine as well, so
there’s little things that
trigger, (mumble) like on
the farm where we go quite a
lot. You know, I can see
Madeleine swinging on the
rope in the hayloft. She was
great, she was only three
and she’d be like, you know,
swinging backwards and
forwards, you know. I can
see her in the little, sort
of, gypsy wagon that they
had, asking me to come in
and that’s hard. You get
memories and reality hits in
It’s like kinda, of, um,
tangible void, really.
Voice over: G has returned
to work at GH, where he is a
consultant cardiologist.
G: Given the indefinite
nature of what we are going
through, you have to, at
some point, say, I’m going
to go back.
Voice of Interviewer: Do you
think you have both healed a
G: Healed is a diffi…adapted,
I think, is probably the
right word. There’s still,
there’s a scar, a deep, deep
scar there, that’s, kinda,
knitted at the minute but
you still think it might
break or come loose and
stitches (mumble) But, it
is, er, definitely an er…
adaptation. I think.
G: There’ll always be a
hope, you know, we’re living
with this carrot, that
potentially she could come
back and I think, that makes
it more painful, that you
don’t know and that she’s,
she’s, she’s out there and
separated from you It’s less
raw, erm, less painful on a
day to day basis, erm, but,
it’s still pretty painful.
(Sighs) Erm, it’s different.
Voice over: The second
anniversary of M’s
disappearance is
approaching. K&G want to use
the media attention to keep
the search in the public’s
K: (in their study). It
almost feels like the last,
I guess, media opportunity.
We really need to think
about that, to get the right
message out.
Voice over: (very briefly,
showing part of fm (download
poster page ). The M’s are
organising a series of
events aimed at prompting
fresh evidence, including a
difficult trip back to the
holiday resort.
Voice over continues: A
national TV appearance in
the States and perhaps, most
crucially a visit to the
world’s leading child
recovery expert. (shows E
A). EA says we truly believe
(shows the picture) this is
what MM looks like today.
Shows new image.
G: She’s either out there or
she’s not and there’s
nothing to say that she’s
not out there alive. So it’s
simple, she’s out there
until proven otherwise.
Voice of Interviewer: Who
actually is looking for M at
the moment?
G: Er, hopefully, lots of
people, er, in the general
population, but in terms of
an investigative strategy,
then there’s no law
enforcement agency that is
proactively doing anything.
It’s pretty amazing really.
Er, when you think about,
it’s a very serious crime
and, erm, we’ve got to do
G: We’re not out making a
fuss for the sake of it or
to say, things were done
badly or could have been
done better. That’s not what
we’re interested in. We’re
not interested in looking
back. What we want to do is
look forward.
Voice over: But there are
two men still looking for
Madeleine, ex-Detective
Inspector DE is the senior
Investigating Officer. He
works alongside former
Detective Sargeant A C. Both
are now employed by the fm
AC: …given a really good
description and what I’ve
done is, I’ve made
arrangements to go and see
him on Tuesday morning.
DE: I’ve inherited an
investigation which is 18
months’ old. It’s a massive
AC: For me, it’s quite
simple, whether it be a high
profile murder or any
investigation. It’s a jigsaw
puzzle and it’s just the
case of putting little
pieces in and that’s what
we’re doing. You start at
the beginning, you do the
basics right and everything
else comes together. and
that’s what, we, hopefully,
we’ve done.
DE: One of the hypothesis
would be, that it’s the
parents that have done it,
and it goes without saying,
that’s looked at and I’m
sure K&G understand that.
If, we had any evidence that
K&G were involved, we would
hand it over to the
Voice of Interviewer:: and
did you find anything?
DE: No, nothing, not a shred
of evidence that they were
AC: When I had the interview
for the job, I made it quite
clear that I would only take
the job, if it was an
independent investigation
and if there’s evidence
against anybody, no matter
who it is, that we give that
evidence to the police.
Voice of interviewer: Do you
work with different theories
about what happened? Can you
say what you think happened?
DE: Well, the abduction
theory is the main one that
we’re focusing on. If a
stranger kills a child or
anyone for that matter, they
almost, almost always dump
the body within a very close
proximity of the crime
scene. Now this particular
area around PdL has been
systematically searched. The
search was started on the
night and continued for
weeks and weeks and no
body’s been found, so that
gives me hope.
Voice of Interviewer: What
about if it was dumped in
the sea? I mean that’s what
most ….
DE: That’s always possible
of course. But, again, the
sea quite often, you know,
gives up the bodies. But no
bodies have been found. So,
I think that abduction is
the most likely motive. Most
likely done by an individual
on their own. Most likely,
an individual who has close
links with PdL, which is why
we focused all our efforts
really, or most of our
efforts, certainly on PdL.
Voice over: Out of the
hundreds of witnesses who
came forward, only a handful
are from the local
Portuguese community. These
are the people the
investigators want to hear
from so they plan to return
to PdL and reconstruct key
events surrounding M’s
disappearance. Hoping to
provoke a response.
K: They used to come and
just sit and get a haircut.
(laughs). Seems hard to
believe it’s actually busier
now then it was a year ago.
Voice of Interviewer:: Has
the balance changed, because
you’re not working in paid
work. You’ve worked for most
of your adult life.
K: Women adore cooking and
washing, anyway don’t they?
Voice of Interviewer: So,
yes, that hasn’t changed?
K: I don’t think so. It’s
funny, cos, you know, going
back a few years, if I
hadn’t been in paid work,
I’d have probably felt, a
bit guilty. But, now, what
I’m doing is the most
important job that I’ll
every have to do and I think
my work is incredibly
Voice over: When the
Portuguese police shelved
the case last summer, they
released 30,000 case files,
K has spent the last six
months going through every
K: The vast bulk of it was
in Portuguese. So, we then,
had to get it all
translated, which probably
cost us about £100,000. I
don’t believe anybody’s got
the motivation that I have
and I was desperate to go
through this myself, because
I knew that I’d be going
through it with a fine
toothcomb and I have spent
months and months and months
and months going through it,
evenings, weekends. You
know, you wanna go through
it really, really quickly
because I wanted to get all
the information I can and
know what I can do, to help
find her, as quickly as
possible. So, obviously, I
just worked really hard,
just to get through it.
Often, you know, police do
say the name’s in the files.
It was always there, but you
just need other bits of
information, really, to come
in to basically highlight
the name. At the moment,
there isn’t a big arrow and
an astrix (sic) by the name.
Voice over: The most likely
sighting of M and her
abductor was by JT, a friend
of the Mc’s. In the files, K
believes another witness
statement from an Irish
family, describes a very
similar sighting to JT’s.
Less than a mile from the
Mc’s apartment.
K: The reason why this is
significant is, both
sightings were given
independently. So, when this
family gave their statement
they weren’t aware of J(T)’s
description and there’s
actually quite a lot of
similarities and it does beg
the question, I mean, how
many people carry their
children on a cold night,
not covered, you know.
Nothing on their arms, or
their feet, no blanket. Now,
either there’s been two
people carrying children
that way, who haven’t come
forward to eliminate
themselves or potentially
they’re related.
Voice of Interviewer: But,
you think that child is M?
K: I think it’s a good
chance it could be M.
Certainly, the description
there, sounds to me, like M.
Voice over: K and the fm
campaign co-ordinator travel
to the search team’s
offices. They want to
discuss the details of the
upcoming reconstructions and
three potentially key
witness statements, that all
tell of a man hanging around
the Mc’s apartment in the
days leading up to May 3
DE: The most important one,
apart, obviously, from Jane,
is sighting No. 3, the man
in the alleyway at the back
of the apartment. No.3 is
definitely a very important
sighting cos it links them.
Voice over: The
investigators have examined
the statements from the
three different witnesses
and are now convinced that
prior to M’s abduction, the
Mc’s were being watched. The
team hope this new
information will give them
the breakthrough they need.
DE: You’d think, it’s gotta
be the same person, wouldn’t
you, really?
AC: and all three say he was
watching the apartment.
DE: We’re here to discuss
the pending reconstruction
that we want done.
K: So, basically, it looks
like we’ve got five
sightings, really. Two, a
man with a child and three,
just a suspicious
DE: Yeah
K: and three, the three with
the suspicious, suspicious,
of the suspicious (she seems
to have developed a stutter)
individual, kinda, tie in
DE: They all tie in
Fm campaign co-ordinator:
They’re all at similar times
and place.
DE: There’s three in exactly
the same location. I don’t
know what the Portuguese
authorities have done to
actually eliminate these
people from the enquiry. So,
we’ve gotta presume that
they haven’t done it and go
with that. So, it’s just
important, that we actually,
we are accurate in what we
know and make sure that
that’s what we’re going
with. No speculation. It’s
gotta be the facts that we
know and not try to fill in
the gaps that we don’t know.
K: I mean, I’d like to go
back, but not for this, to
be honest. It’s kinda, just
below the surface and I
just, you know, I’d be
scared, I think, you know,
to sort of open it open it
up again, really, so. yeah.
I think, it’s actually going
through the scenario of that
night, as well, you know.
Erm, I mean, you know, even
what I can remember of the
night, you know. Seeing G,
erm, that distraught,
really, sobbing and on the
floor. I mean, I suppose I’m
concerned that that will, er,
surface again.
Voice over: K calls key
witness JT, who has agreed
to join G and the
investigators in PdL for the
Scene: K talking on the
phone to JT
K: “Oh, ok, pretty busy,
(she laughs). Although, it’s
quite good to be honest to
be doing stuff and focused
and it just sort of helps,
you know, to be doing
something positive thing.
How you feeling about the
weekend? I mean, I’m really
nervous and I’m not going
(laughs). Thank you very
much by the way. No, I know,
I know it’s a big step, but
we appreciate it anyway so,
thank you.
K: Er, she’s trying not to
think about it. She just
said, erm, apart from the
obvious emotional concern,
she’s worried about the
reaction of people locally.
Voice over: Returning will
be controversial. PdL was a
popular family holiday
resort, but things haven’t
been the same since M’s
K: You know, we are aware
that, unfortunately, erm,
this has all been a headache
really for people whose
businesses are out there,
their livelihoods, you know.
It’s a negative, a child’s
been abducted from that area
and I guess in the ideal
world, it would all go away,
you know, everybody could
move on with their lives
and, but, you know, our
little girl is still missing
so …
K: I think regardless of
what anybody thinks of me
and G, and I’m a bit past
caring now, really. But, you
know, I think, people do
feel for M and that’s the
most important thing and
they want M to be found and
they want M to be well.
There has been a question as
to why now and I’d simply
say, well M is still
missing. Why not, now? You
Voice of Interviewer: Do you
feel there’s a lot riding on
this weekend?
K: I do, yeah, and I’m
nervous. I’m nervous because
I realise how important this
is to do really. To get that
bit of key information, I’m
nervous that it’ll … all
could get sabotaged or it
could all go very wrong.
Obviously, I don’t want that
because it’s so important.
G: We are desperate for this
to be successful and to be
done and hopefully it might
be one call, t might be 10
calls, but that’s all it’ll
take, it could be just one
piece of information.
DE: The offence was
committed in PdL, that’s a
simple fact. So, you don’t
start an investigation in,
er, Morocco or Spain or even
Lisbon. This event’s
happened in PdL. It’s a very
self-contained resort and
that’s where I think the
answer is.
Voice over: D E is leading
the search for MM. Today,
he’s in PdL, on the
Portuguese Algarve, to
oversee filming of
significant events described
in witness statements.
Statements, which he
believes, strongly suggest
that someone was watching
the Mc family. He hopes that
the reconstructions will
lead to the discovering who
that someone is.
DE: He may even have been
watching the apartment for a
week or more. I don’t think
it was someone random. In my
experience random just
doesn’t happen. Someone just
doesn’t go in, … passerby,
and pick up a child and take
it. These things are
DE with Pimpleman actor
DE: This, erm, scene. You’re
standing over there and
you’re standing at an angle
Action: filming starts
Witness 1: Child and woman
Voice over: Witness No. 1 is
a British tourist. She first
saw something strange four
days before M disappeared.
Sunday, April 29, approx
Witness 1: I was walking
along the road with my
daughter, when I saw a man.
I grabbed my daughter’s hand
and pulled her towards me
because for some reason, he
unnerved me.
Voice over: She saw the same
man again. This time close
to the Mc’s apartment on the
day before M went missing
Wednesday 2 May approx 15.00
Witness 1: The next time I
saw him, he was standing on
the opposite side of the
road to the apartment. He
appeared to be watching it.
He was about 5’10”, slim
build and wearing casual
clothes, jeans, I think. I
would describe him as very
ugly, pitted skin, with a
large nose.
DE talking to a young girl
(Witness 3)
DE: …and as you’re just
passing here, this chap will
be stood over there. So, if
you just, you come up, if
you just glance over at him
and ….
Scene shows Witness 2, Mum,
girl and two dogs
Voice over: The second
witness is a school girl,
who lives near the holiday
complex. Three days before M
was taken, she was with her
mum outside the M’s
Monday 30 April approx 08.15
Witness 2: I was walking to
the school bus stop. I go
this way to school every
day. As I was walking down
the road, near the
apartment, I saw a man on
the small path behind the
block. My grandparents used
to live in that apartment.
So, I always look at it, as
I pass by. The man seemed to
be looking at the balcony of
the ground floor apartment.
He was wearing a black
jacket and leaning against
the wall.
Voice over: She saw him
again, as well, the day
before M was taken.
Witness 2: I didn’t go to
school that day because I
had an ear infection. I was
walking up the road with my
two dogs, when I saw the
man. He was standing on the
road opposite the OC and he
was staring at the
DE talking to older couple
(Witness 3)
DE: You have him coming from
your apartment, which is
over here, somewhere. You
turn the corner and walk
down the path.
Lady witness (the couple)
(Witness 3): What the two of
DE: Yes, the two of you
DE: This was actually a
sketch that was drawn by the
witness at the time and, er,
as you can see, he’s just
stood where we are now.
(shows sketch the couple)
Make eye contact with him
and just walk straight on
Voice over: Witness No 3 is
a man with his partner from
Cheshire. He gave a
statement to the police
describing a man he’d seen
near the apartment.
Witness 3 (Man) I can’t
remember whether I saw the
man on Wednesday 2 or
Thursday 3 May
(approximately 11.30). But
as we walked along the road,
I saw a man standing next to
the wall by the parking
area. On the opposite side
of the road was a white van.
I paid particular attention
to him, because he appeared
to be focused on watching
the apartment block as I
walked past him, I looked at
him, and for a split second,
we had eye contact but then
he just carried on staring
at the apartment.
DE: We’re asking for people
to come forward with
information. For me, one of
the big things in any major
crime, the perpetrators
always confide in someone
else. They’ve gotta get it
off their chest and it’s
that person, as much as
anything, that we’re aiming
at. Someone knows something.
Voice over: G is back in PdL.
His arrival and the
reconstructions are
attracting a lot of media
attention. But for the
people who live here, it’s
attention they can do
G: This is an area that
relies strongly on tourism
and people’s livelihoods
have been affected and I can
totally understand when
people are suffering
economically, that they get
resentful. But, hope they
can understand as well, that
as parents, we need to find
Voice over: The simmering
anger is evident. A brand
new billboard poster of M
with “Help me” in Portuguese
has been splattered with
paint and at the holiday
complex G can hear the
hostility (heckling)
G: No one, even with a heart
of stone, can take away that
there’s a little girl
missing. Why anyone would
not want to help find her is
a mystery and obviously if
we find M, then everyone can
move on.
Voice over: He goes back to
the Tapas Bar where they ate
in the evenings, while the
children slept in the
G: I can’t remember exactly
where the table was. It was
kinda in this bit, so it’d
be about around here and I
was kinda sitting in this
bit and K was here. Well,
you could see where the
shutters are now and the bit
of the hedge, it’s grown. It
was cut, you know, a couple
of feet lower than that.
CONTINUED ....... |
Second Section
Voice over: For the first
time in two years, G returns
to apartment 5a of the OC.
Voice over: The last place
where he saw his daughter,
M, asleep in her bed.
G: So, I actually came in
and M was just at the top of
the bed here, where
left her lying and the
covers were folded down and
she had her cuddle cat and
blanket, were just by her
head It’s terrible because,
I , erm, had one of those
really proud father moments,
where I just thought, you
know. I just thought, your
absolutely beautiful and I
love you and I just paused
for a minute and then, I
just pulled the door closed
again and just to about
there and, er, I felt
incredibly proud standing
there and having, you know,
3 beautiful children.
That’s the, I think the most
ironic thing of the lot,
that, that momentary pause I
had, at that door, that’s
exactly what I felt like.
You know, a few minutes
before our world was
essentially shattered and
probably, 3 or 4 minutes
before M was taken and we
obviously, absolutely, er,
what’s the word, persecuted
ourselves for not being here
and, erm, there is no doubt,
that not being here at that
moment, erm, increased the
risk of it.
Voice over: The Mc’s were on
holiday with a group of
friends. In the evenings,
they all ate together and
took it in turns to make
half-hourly checks on each
other’s children. Two of the
group, MO and JT, both
crucial witnesses, have
returned to help DE with the
reconstructions. It’s
believed that M was taken
shortly after her father’s
check at 9 o’clock. In the
45 minutes that followed,
there were two significant
sightings of a man carrying
a young girl. The first was
by JT. She was looking in on
her sick daughter, when she
saw G returning from his
check. He was talking to a
friend, JW, at the side of
the road. However, J(T) and
G remember the scene
JT: So, I think you were
about here. Cos, I think
that you were standing like
that and, J(W) was there,
with his pram, pointing down
that way. Cos, I think if
you’d been looking at me, I
would’ve said something, cos
I would’ve said about, cos K
had been moaning that you’d
been gone a long time
watching the football.
G: I’m almost certain that
when I came out, I came over
and he was here and I was
like that. That’s my memory
of it, it’s like J(W) is
6’3” or something and
looking up and then turning
in, when I finished. That’s
my memory of it.
JT: Yeah. I mean, well we
just …….
DE: It’s like I said, there
are, you know,
inconsistencies, you know,
in every major
JT: Ok, that’s fine.
DE: Obviously, the most
important thing is what you
saw, Jane. It’s not where G
and J(W) were actually
stood. Because they didn’t
obstruct your view of the
man. So ….
JT: I was walking up here to
do the check and probably,
as I got to , it’s hard to
know exactly where, but
probably, about here, I saw
the man walk across the road
there, carrying the child. I
just got up and walked out
the Tapas bar, past G
talking to J(W). That’s when
I saw somebody walk across
the top of the road,
carrying a child and I
think, I did think, oh,
there’s somebody taking
their child home to bed.
But, they didn’t look like a
standard tourist. This is
ridiculous isn’t it? It just
looks so much like somebody
abducting a little girl,
when you look at it. It just
looks so obvious when you
know, you know. Just look at
it and you think, why the
hell didn’t you think there
is somebody abducting a
child. That was not even a
thought, that somebody’s
gonna go into an apartment
and take a child out. You
know, you’re probably the
one person that could’ve
actually stopped it and you
think, oh, what if? It’s
that what if? what if?, what
if and you can take those
what ifs to ad infinitum
Voice over: At 9.30 pm, half
an hour after G’s check it
was MO’s turn to look in on
all the children. He went
into the Mc’s apartment, but
didn’t go into the bedroom
and so didn’t see if M was
MO: Pretty much from the
approach down here, you can
see straight into the room.
So you can see the cots as
you are walking in. So it
never really felt like there
was any real need to, sort
of, go all the way into the
room. Erm, you could see
both cots and see into them
from there. I, sort of,
ummed and ahed about the
angle and things. All I just
know is that I had an
unimpeded view and it was
just dead quiet, and just…
why I didn’t take those
extra couple of steps in
G: Yeah, I mean, I was
saying this earlier, that at
no point, other than that
night, did I go stick my
head in. That was the only
time, because the door was
like that. I mean, I knew
how I’d left it.
MO: It’s more that you know
I’d felt you’d done enough.
You’ve been and seen. It’s
G: Part of the reason we
ended up coming through the
back was the noise coming
through the front door. We
didn’t want to disturb them.
Sigh. Stupid, now, isn’t it.
Voice over: It is possible
that JT is not the only
person who saw M being
carried away by the
abductor. 40 minutes after
J(T)’s sighting and ½ mile
away from the Mc’s apartment
a family also saw a man
carrying a young girl away
from the town. Later the
witness thought that this
might have been GM. But,
this was investigated and
ruled out by the Portuguese
DE: A man was seen here
carrying a child, just
before 10 pm on the night M
was abducted. When the man
saw the family he appeared
furtive and veered off to
one side and carried on
walking. Obviously, anyone
carrying a child at night,
it’s really important. We
need to find out who this
person was.
Family Witness Statement: I
was with my family. We’d
been out for the night and
we were walking up the
street when I saw a man and
he was carrying a child. I
thought they were father and
daughter, so I wasn’t so
suspicious. The girl was
about 4, she looked like my
granddaughter, blonde hair,
pale white skin, typically
British. The man didn’t look
like a tourist. I can’t
explain why. It was,
probably, from his clothes.
G: Someone knows the
information and someone
knows who took M and someone
knows where she is. Let’s
get moving! Let’s get the
phone ringing.
Voice over: At home K is
preparing for the inevitable
media attention that will
surround the second
anniversary of M’s
K: ( Showing photo album)
well this one. I think is
really sweet and it’s M just
when she arrived home from
hospital, erm, to our house.
I think she looks quite
cute, wrapped up in a little
bundle. She’s got those
eyes. I tell you, those eyes
that never closed.
For us they’re not just
photos and especially now,
not having M in our life,
they’re more than photos and
to me, each photo is very
special. I mean, it’s M and
we’ve given out so much of
our daughter to the world
really. You know, you just
want to be able to retain
some of it.
Voice of Interviewer: Are we
allowed to see this one?
K: uh-hum (nods head in
Voice of Interviewer: Do you
still feel her physically,
as much as you did?
K: Tut… well, I know the M
that I know, you know. I
don’t know M at, you know,
nearly six. She might look
different. She could be
speaking a different
language (Scene shows her
packing for trip to States)
She might have her hair
different, she might have
different interests, but,
you know, she’s still our
G: (holding up a suit). I
think that’s pretty
business-like isn’t it?
K: Yes
G: Right, put that away
Voice over: K&G are
preparing for a trip to
America that they hope will
breathe new life into the
search for M. As well as an
interview on the OW show,
they plan on visiting the
world’s leading child
recovery experts, who are
creating an image of M aged
K: We’re going to America
tomorrow and initially,
we’re going to Washington to
EA: Circulating the
photograph of, er, of a
child, who was not quite
four, two year’s later is
not good enough.
When, we started this 10
year’s ago. The goal was to
use technology, er, to keep
these cases alive. To
provide new hope for parents
and new leads for law
enforcement and we said at
the time, wouldn’t it be
great if we could actually
find one of these kids and
we found 900 of them. Er,
everyone of these 900 cases,
the child had been missing
at least two years. So, what
we’ve tried to do is to take
your photos, er, as a guide.
Young children’s faces
change very quickly. As you
can see, she has her
mother’s jawline. She has
her mother’s mouth. It’s
striking. She has her
mother’s dimples.
K: That’s me, as well, isn’t
it? (referring to picture of
her as a child)
EA: This is you, as well.
K laughs
EA: But G, she has your
G: The genes mix quite well.
(Both laughing).
EA: They really do. They
really do. I mean it’s a
remarkable example of the
best of genetics. So,
leaning heavily, on
heredity, and using every
tool we can find, we truly
believe that this is what MM
looks like today and we hope
that somebody, that millions
of somebodies will look at
the picture, but, that
somebody will be moved to
reach out and say, I think I
have information.
G: I glanced It’s a
different child and that is
really important. It’s not
the four year old or nearly
four year old little girl
and it’s hard, because, In
our memory, we remember her
the last day she was in
Portugal and what she looked
like, so…
K: It’s a very emotional
thing, really, to see my
daughter in a different way
to how I remember her. Erm,
so if I’m honest, initially,
I, was quite upsetting and
then I started to look at
features and I thought,
well, that’s definitely M
and that bits M and, you
know, yes, she is 2 year’s
EA: Despite the love and the
care you that you put into
raising her, at that age, M
may not know she’s missing.
M may have been told, well,
now you are supposed to come
with me. So, we hope that
other children will look at
this. It’s not inconceivable
that she’s in a classroom
somewhere. The goal here is
to reach out to people
around the world and say.
Somebody knows something and
if you do, call us.
Voice over: K&G now need to
publicise this new image.
The first step is to travel
from Washington to Chicago
for an interview on OWS,
that will be broadcast in
144 countries.
G: It’s really important we
get this image out, as far
and as wide as possible.
Because, ultimately, we
don’t know where M is and if
she was moved out of
Portugal quickly, she could
be anywhere and that’s the
main reason for doing O(W)
get that image out there
K: Nervous, but, it’s like
anything we’ve done, you
know, we’re doing it for a
reason and the reason’s to
held find M so just get on
with it.
G: I actually think there’s
not much more else we can do
right now.
K: I think we’ve achieved a
lot in the last few weeks
and we’re really hoping that
somebody who has been
sitting there, knowing
something, will suddenly
feel the courage and
compassion really to come
forward and of course, we’ve
also released the age
progression image of M, now
age 6 and I think that’s
important. Because that’s
almost appealing to people,
who may know M, whatever M’s
called now
K: So I feel, we’ve all
worked really hard. I think
what we’ve done is positive
and productive. I actually
feel the chance of us
finding M is higher now,
it’s more likely to yield a
result and I actually feel a
little excited, really,
about what we’ve just done
G: I think it’s like, we
want it out there, now. All
the work’s been done and
it’s all being co-ordinated
round the anniversary. But
we want it out and it’s
just, let’s get moving.
K: We just need that one
person, there might be more
than one person, but one
person to come forward and
say I’ve seen that girl or I
remember something from that
night and that could unravel
the whole thing. |