E-Mail message
09 September
2011 22:38:34
My thoughts and
prayers for
Dani, her family
and all her
(gentle hugs)
Carmen |
Dimsie |
Posted: Tue Jul
19, 2011 6:18
I feel really
guilty for not
posting my good
wishes for Dani
here, but I've
been keeping an
eye on her page
at blog for a
cure to see if
she would start
posting there
again. I realise
now she hasn't
been at all
well, so I'm
hoping things
will improve for
her soon.
Dani, I think
about you often
and hope you'll
soon be feeling
better. |
cherry |
Posted: Mon Jul
18, 2011 12:39 am
Dear Dani,
wishing you the strength
to get through this
illness, you are in
my thoughts and prayers |
Tue Jul 12, 2011
4:15 pm
Dear Dani,
Thinking of you
and praying to
every God I know
for you!
God Bless |
Tue Jul 12, 2011
4:05 pm
much love and
warm feelings i
send to you
danny, our hearts
are for you and
with you ,love
joyce1938 |
parapono |
Posted: Mon Jul
11, 2011 8:54 am
my wishes
tranlated into
parapono |
Sun Jul 10, 2011
8:38 pm
Seconded |
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:25 pm
Dani, I think of
you often
through the day.
We have never
met so I don't
have a face, I
have my own
image of you and
send it warm and
caring thoughts. |
Posted: Sat Jul
09, 2011 7:32 pm
At this
difficult time
you must have
faith in your
strength to
overcome your
illness. Stay
positive and
know that we are
all sending our
love to wrap
around you like
a huge
mascara x |
pamalam |
Sat Jul 09, 2011
7:19 pm
Dani has been in
hospital since
Wednesday she
will have to
stay until
Either she comes
home or they
will operate |
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:11 pm
Dani, I cannot create beautiful art for you.
I haven't even
figured out how
to post
pictures. But I
think of you and
pray for you and
your family
every day of my
Stay strong and
remember that we
care. |
zodiaczephyr |
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:51 pm
For Dani -
parapono |
Fri Jul 08, 2011

parapono |
cherry |
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:58 pm
Thanks for keeping us all updated Pamalam, it is good to hear
from Dani |
pamalam |
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:55 pm
New message from
Tell everyone I
love them and appreciate all
their kind thoughts and best
wishes, the warmth from them
envelopes me each and every day
I have sent all of the messages
onto Dani at the links below. |
cherry |
Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:49 am
thanks ZZ, I thought the words were very poignant
for Dani in the struggle
she is going through at
the moment.
I hope every day she
becomes a little
stronger |
zodiaczephyr |
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:26 pm
Cherry - That is a lovely song and video.
For Dani |
cherry |
Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 pm
Thank you joyce I
hope she is gaining in
strength and knowing we
are all thinking of her.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 4:27 pm
cherry i loved your posting and lets hope
danni will find it a
comfort too,i wish danni
also the best of all she
can have at this
time,joyce1938 |
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:18 pm
Still thinking of you and your family and
sending prayers and good
thoughts and wishes,
Ironside. |
cherry |
Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:14
Thanks for Dani's message Pamalam, it is good to hear how she is
doing. Lets hope the
acupuncture really can
help boost her energy
and that she can start
to have more good days
than bad |
pamalam |
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:44 pm
Message from Dani
I had my monthly jab of
Flasodex yesterday and
today do not feel so
I have started
acupuncture which helps
a lot for energy,
although today I feel
like a wet rag.
But please thank
everyone and explain
that they are all in my
thoughts and how much I
appreciate each and
everyone of them.
Breast cancer Index
. |
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:54 pm
Hi Dani/Ironside
Good to hear you are
bearing up well.
You continue to be in my
thoughts and prayers.
Keep positive and God
Eagerly awaiting your
return....you're badly
Regards, bohhee |
Pamalam |
Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:42
Hi theolivebranch
Sorry for not answering
sooner, but I have been
a bit behind with the
messages. They are now
all updated and
forwarded on to Dani.
I am so pleased to hear
your good news that is
if you call osteoporosis
good news of course, but
it is a much better
option to Cancer.
Lots of positive vibes
coming your way.
I will email you Dani’s
Take care
Cheers Pamalam |
Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:12 pm
Ironside/Dani, my very best wishes to you and
am sending warm healing
to you.
I have had a lot of
computer trouble which
required an overall and
during this I lost your
email address. Would you
send again my lovely.
And my good news after
your badgering
made all the
appointments and have
had two full weeks of
scans and tests and
today the Oncologist
said that the cancer
hasn't returned. The
pain in my back and
right leg is the start
of oesteoporosis?spl and
not the cancer.
Write soon if you are
able. If only a XX as
long as I get your email
address again.
Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:54 pm
Pamalam, thank you so much, both for your
superlative blog, your
dedication to Maddie,
and for keeping us in
touch with Ironside.
Dani, I continue to
think of you often. I
hope you feel up to
enjoying the lovely
spring weather we'll
soon be having. |
Renoir |
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:11 pm
Very best wishes to
you both.
pamalam |
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:45 pm
Message from
Dani |
Many thanks for
the messages and
if you could
send my deepest
thanks to
everyone for
their love and
kindness |
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:43 am
Thank you, Pamalam.
Ironside, this afternoon
I placed a call to my
cousin to congratulate
her on her 55th birthday
- and her 15th
cancer-free year
following a mastectomy,
extensive lymph node
involvement, chemo and
radiation in 1996. She
continues to do
wonderfully well and is
enjoying life to the
I hope and pray the same
for you. |
pamalam |
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:56 am
The latest
message from
Dani |
I am due my
two shoots
of cancer
morning so
will not be
able to sit
for a
out VERY
loud.... |
As Dani is not able to access the forum messages, I have copied
all of the messages to
the following page, and
I have emailed them to
her. |
cherry |
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:33 am
Has anyone heard how Dani is doing? |
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:01 pm
theolivebranch |
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:26 am
hope you will soon feel a lot better and come
back soon
ironside,treatment sucks
at times ,my family
member got sooo poorly
in some of
treatement,but now is
feeling more
posative,what can we do
to helpat such times,i
too send thoughts to you
and others,so take them
inand hope to hear you
are soon having a better
time ,love to you and
yours joyce1938 |
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:18 am
I've been thinking of
her as well.
Ironside, you and your
family are still in our
thoughts and prayers. We
hope that the new
medication will bring
about a remission and
you can rejoin us
sometime soon. |
Châtelaine |
Le Château |
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:30 pm
I'd just been thinking of you today, again.
How are you?
I sincerely hope your
treatment is going well.
They can do just so much
more nowadays.
Keep strong.
If possible, stay happy |
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:11 pm
Ironside, you may be
feeling not so well
because of your
treatments but I'm sure
when all this suffering
will end you'll feel
even stronger. Everything
will be alright |
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:41 pm
Dear Ironside, a message
to you of healing and
light and warmth.
I have just finished 5
years on Femera, well 6
months ago, I know what
the side affects are,
but eh I am still here
so what the hec.
Please take joy from
each day and as you drop
off to sleep don't count
sheep, just remember the
moments that made that
day special.
Cyber hugs to you
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:21 am
Ironside, glad there are
still weapons in the
arsenal that they can
use against the enemy.
Stay strong. We are with
you in spirit.
b. |
HiDeHo |
Location: |
Canada |
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:20 am
pamalam wrote: |
Ironside / Dani
remains’ very
positive ....
new treatment.
Comment below.
This it is a new
treatment only
used in special
cases due to the
price. 1000.00
for two
injections 2 x
250 mg. Not yet
available in the
now higher
recommended dose
of 500mg. so for
the moment you
need to by two
250 mg. Injected
into each cheek
in the muscle of
the buttock and
believe me I am
still standing
as the pain to
sit is
Side effects not
too bad...much
better than
Femara |
Thanks for the update Pamalam
It's important that she
knows we aren't
forgetting her and her
family. |
cherry |
Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:36 pm
That's good to hear
Pamelam, let's hope the
new treatment will help
and all good wishes to
Dani. |
pamalam |
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:19 pm
Ironside / Dani remains’
very positive .... new
Comment below. |
This it is a new
treatment only
used in special
cases due to the
price. 1000.00
for two
injections 2 x
250 mg. Not yet
available in the
now higher
recommended dose
of 500mg. so for
the moment you
need to by two
250 mg. Injected
into each cheek
in the muscle of
the buttock and
believe me I am
still standing
as the pain to
sit is
Side effects not
too bad...much
better than
Femara |
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:12 pm
Sending good wishes and
good thoughts to you for
zz |
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:10 pm
I'm thinking about you
I'm sure the new year
will bring your health
back |
wicksy |
Location: |
Barcelona |
Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:35 pm
Ironside, I hope it's
going well. Stay strong. |
Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:30 pm
Ironside, your posts
were ones that I always
enjoyed reading.Hope
your treatment is going
as well as it can CNx |
parapono |
Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:12 pm

lotus for peace and joy and love amongst us
to be at your side
like my thoughts are
parapono |
cherry |
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:10 am
Dear Ironside, thinking
of you especially at
this time of year and
hoping and praying your
struggle with your
illness will improve in
time. Best wishes to you
and all your family. let
us hope the New Year
will bring peace and
comfort to you. |
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:53 am
ironside,i send all my
heartfelt wishes to you
,and hope you are more
comfortable ,i have one
of my daughter in law
sick too ,had all
treatment and now just
hope her quality of life
will improve too. words
cant convay all we feel
so i will leave it with
my love joyce1938 |
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:07 pm
Dear Ironside, I pray
that you and your family
will spend a Christmas
time filled with love,
joy, and healing. XX |
the-truthseeker |
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:19 am
Good evening Ironside! I
hope you are beginning
to feel better! I'm
thinking about you and
sending warm thoughts
and healing vibes to
your and your's way.
Stay strong, stay
positive and remember
we, your cyber friends
are with you in our
thoughts, wishing you
well every day.
truth |
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:12 pm
For Ironside and family,
at Advent, the St. Olaf
Choir, "Love Divine, All
Loves Excelling":
St. Olaf College is a
small university located
in Northfields,
Minnesota. They have the
most amazing music
programme. Virtually
everyone at the school
either sings in a choir
or plays an instrument.
Many young people who
have no intention of
making music their major
field of study go there
just for the choir
Their Christmas
programme is held on the
Sunday after
Thanksgiving, as the
semester ends shortly
after that, and the
students must come back
early from their
Thanksgiving holiday for
it. The tickets are
immensely popular and
are gone in a trice,
just as soon as they're
I think their music is
beautiful and uplifting,
and I hope that if
Ironside sees this she
will feel the same.
We love you, dear
friend. Hang in there. |
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:59 pm
Ironside, my thoughts
come out to you today
and always. This illness
touches so many lives in
different ways. I lost a
very dear friend to
breast cancer a year
ago( because it was over
six months before she
was diagnosed) and at
the same time my brother
in law pulled through
and is enjoying life
again. All I can say is
that you must remain
positive throughout your
treatment. You will get
through this. You have
the love and support of
all these wonderful
people here. We shall
continue to pray for you
and keep you in our
Looking forward to
hearing from you
Mascara x |
Renoir |
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:04 pm
Positive vibes winging their way to you from Germany, Ironside.
Love from Renoir. X |
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:24 pm
Joyce1938, i send you my
warm thoughts and hope
for your comfort to
increase love to you
both |
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:01 am
I am thinking of you too
Have a lovely Christmas
With Love x |
Kerry |
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:38 pm
All good wishes for the
new year Ironside. May
it bring health and good
fortune to you and your
family. |
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:17 pm
Ironside please take joy
from every day and
strength in the
knowledge that there are
cyber friends who send
you love and healing.
Prayers for you and your
loved ones. |
HiDeHo |
Canada |
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:05 pm
I continue to think
about you and your
family often, especially
in this holiday season.
I light a candle for
your quick recovery...
the-truthseeker |
Location: |
Belgium |
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:42 pm
I'm thinking of you.
Hope everything turns
out alright for you.
Keep strong, keep
truth |
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:36 am
We have not stopped thinking of you and your
family, nor will we
I most sincerely hope
that you will feel up to
enjoying the holidays
with your husband and
children, and that the
new year will be better
than this year has been. |
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:33 am
Just saw this thread.
Ironside, hang in there
and keep your spirits
Thoughts and prayers
will be with you
Keep strong and steady.
Best wishes,
bohhee |
Châtelaine |
Location: |
Le Château |
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:31 am
No, I don't, Truth. But I think about her a
Could someone fill us
Ironside, your name -
for a variety of reasons
- has so well been
It's almost an
obligation to live up to
it or rather to all of
Best wishes, Châtelaine |
the-truthseeker |
Location: |
Belgium |
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:26 pm
Oh, I just found this
Dani(if I may), I'm so
sorry to hear about your
disease. I'm sending
good, healing vibes,
warmth and love to your
I hope you are getting
better. Keep on
fighting, keep thinking
positive! Get well soon!
Does anybody on this
thread knows how she is
doing lately? |
julygirl3210 |
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:44 pm
I don't really know
where to start Ironside,
except to say keep
thinking positive and
fight the beast.
I had cancer last year,
major surgery and half
my insides removed, then
six months chemo, and am
still here through
Remeber that cancer
starts with "Can". You
can, and will beat
this!!! (that is what my
specialist told me).

Sending love and hugs to
you xxxx |
Potsy |
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:33 am
Hello Ironside,
I am so sorry that I
missed this thread and
send you all good
My younger sister was
diagnosed with breast
cancer at age 30. Now,
they don't even tell you
to get a mammo until
It was the worst level
of cancer short of
terminal. She lost 20
lymph nodes. I was
called to the hospital
(about 400 miles away
one weekend) saying she
was dying.. Rushed via
amtrak during a blizzard
(airports and roads
She survived the crisis
and hung in there with
the chemo for over a
year, then the
radiation. She is fine
Hang in there and keep
your good attitude...
Also, remember in
1995/1996, Lance
Armstrong had a cancer
(testicular, I think)
that metasticized
through his body,
including his brain....
His treatment saved
And then he won all
those Tour de France
bike races...
Thinking of you and
sending all positive
xxxooo |
Estelle |
Location: |
Australia |
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:32 am
Any news? Sending you
love and hugs
xxx |
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:19 am
Prayers and good
thoughts continue for
you and your family,
Ironside. |
Estelle |
Australia |
Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:28 am
Thinking of you, Dani.
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:24 am
Just popped in to say
that you are in our
thoughts and prayers
every day. |
cherry |
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:28 am
Thinking of you
wicksy |
Location: |
Barcelona |
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:07 pm
wrote: |
Dani: we wish
you all the very
best, from our
little corner of
Catalunya. We
know it's hard,
because we went
to visit my
when she was
struggling with
the effects of
chemo. She could
hardly turn her
head, let alone
speak to us. But
these things
pass, and
tomorrow she is
coming from
Amsterdam to
visit us. She's
well enough to
do that, so who
knows what the
future will
hold. Keep
strong - those
same drugs are
fighting for
you, and
Hugs for you and
Stephan. |
Dani, I have every faith that you will fight
and win. Stephan, you
are special and I wish
you the strength to keep
going too. |
santacoloma |
Location: |
Catalunya, NE
Spain |
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:24 pm
Dani: we wish you all
the very best, from our
little corner of
Catalunya. We know it's
hard, because we went to
visit my sister-in-law
when she was struggling
with the effects of
chemo. She could hardly
turn her head, let alone
speak to us. But these
things pass, and
tomorrow she is coming
from Amsterdam to visit
us. She's well enough to
do that, so who knows
what the future will
hold. Keep strong -
those same drugs are
fighting for you, and
Hugs for you and
Stephan. |
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:35 pm
Dear Ironside I hope
that your set back the
other day is now passed
and that you are
harnessing all that is
available to you to give
your fighting cells a
real boost. Having said
this please don't think
this means running
around like the
proverbial BAF, just be
kind to yourself .
With a cyber hug and a
prayer for you and
yours. |
cherry |
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:31 pm
parapono |
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:36 am

Ironside, I send you all the love, the color
and the power of my
flowers! May they assist
parapono |
cherry |
Emirates Stadium |
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:05 am
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:36 pm
Ironside positive vibes
are being sent to you in
many forms from many
people. Please feel the
warmth of the wishes and
the prayers and use them
to help yourself.
Whenever I see a white
feather I pick it up
because a very old wise
lady once told me it was
from my very own
guardian angel. There
are those who say oh
it's a dove or another
white bird, but for me a
white feather is from my
angel. So if you see
one, do pick it up and
keep it by you.
Love and light sent to
you X |
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:54 pm
dear dani,i send my warm
thoughts And hugs to
you, i have some in
family in similar
situation,we all have to
have hope ,sometimes not
so easy and hard all the
treatment to have to
do.lots of good vibes
joyce1938 |
Châtelaine |
Location: |
Le Château |
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:34 pm
beachy wrote: |
Courage doesn't
always roar.
courage is the
little voice at
the end of the
day that says
I'll try again
~Mary Anne
Radmacher |
How wonderfully
formulated. Thanks
Beachy for quoting, not
only for Dani but also
for ourselves.
Dear Dani, do try again
every single day. Spirit
masters body ...
Bon courage. |
Brit Abroad |
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:22 pm
Ironsides .... this
comes with my sincere
wishes for your full
I think you might be
encouraged to know about
my friend was diagnosed
with breast cancer two
years ago which had
already spread to her
central chestbone, a
lung and there was a
suspicious spot on her
liver. Following
mastectomy, extended
chemo-therapy and
radiotherapy she is
currently all clear.
Although all the
treatments made her feel
pretty lousy while
having them she has been
back to feeling OK for
over a year now.
So all fingers and toes
crossed for a good
result for you. XXX |
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:10 pm
I'm thinking and sending
positives vibes and big
((huggers)) |
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:44 pm
Courage doesn't always
roar. Sometimes courage
is the little voice at
the end of the day that
says I'll try again
~Mary Anne Radmacher |
cherry |
Location: |
Emirates Stadium |
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:06 pm
For Ironside
For all those who are
sick, all those who are
May they have increased
strength and a stronger
To fight whatever comes
their way
To keep going to live
another day
To never lose hope and
have positive mind
to be able to cope with
whatever they find
Take comfort in others
who surround them with
Knowing there is always
somebody there
To find answers to
questions to calm the
To make the feelings of
despair disappear
To find love and peace
in whatever they do
And strength and hope
for their carers too.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:57 am
This morning I saw a most encouraging letter
in the newspaper and
immediately thought of
Ironside. It was from a
woman who is an 11-year
survivor of breast
cancer, and 8 of those
years have been spent
coping with liver
She had four large
tumours in her liver and
underwent treatment with
several combinations of
chemotherapeutic drugs.
They hit on just the
right combination for
her. Two of her tumours
disappeared entirely,
and the other two have
shrunk to the point
where they are no longer
life-threatening. Most
significantly of all,
her cancer has not
progressed appreciably
over the past 8 years.
It was, of course, a
difficult journey, but
she said that for the
past several years she
has been well enough to
enjoy life. She gardens,
goes out to dinner with
her husband, runs her
own errands, visits with
friends, attends the
opera, etc. and
generally enjoys a
fairly normal life.
Keep fighting, Dani. All
of us who have had loved
ones with cancer
understand a little
something of how hard it
can be, but it's worth
it. |
pamalam |
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:30 pm
New message from Stephan
Dani is in hospital with
a fever and will be
there for the next
couple of days. |
wicksy |
Location: |
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:24 pm
Stephan, I am so glad that things are looking a little more
positive for Dani.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:52 pm
Good to hear her markers
are coming down.
Best Wishes to Ironside
Badger |
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:05 pm
Continue to stay strong.
I have friends who
suffered breast cancer
and got over chemo.
They are now living
normal and exciting life
by making the most of
Keep up your positive
thoughts. Positiveness
is a winning factor.
Take carex |
HiDeHo |
Location: |
Canada |
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:26 pm
Thank you for the
strength you bring to
My thoughts are with you
Dani and also Stephan.
Liz xx |
Châtelaine |
Location: |
Château |
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:55 pm
Quote: |
I am Dani's
husband, I have
read all your
messages of
support and
would like to
thank-you for
your kindness.
If I use the
word overwhelmed
it would not
suffice. I do
not think I have
ever seen such
an incredible
amount of people
pulling together
for the cause
you all believe
in, I include my
wife in this,
the nights we
have spoken over
dinner about
Madeleine I
cannot count.
When Dani gets
her teeth into
something she
never lets go. I
know you
chemotherapy is
tough and drains
what little
amount of energy
you have. I
would for the
moment like Dani
to use that
energy in
fighting her
disease and my
wife is a
I also believe
with the support
she has behind
her you will
pull her
My deepest
gratitude to
each and
everyone of you.
Stephan. |
Stephan, I am not the sentimental type, but I
am really, really moved
by your message. If any
of our words, thoughts
and positive vibes help
Dani, it would make me
as happy as you both
would be. I take your
word for it that she's a
fighter. And I do know
that things happen when
you really want and
believe in it. With my
very best wishes, bisous
for both, Châtelaine. |
pamalam |
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:22 pm
Dani’s (Ironside)
Husband Stephan, has
asked me to relay the
following message to you
I am Dani's husband, I
have read all your
messages of support and
would like to thank-you
for your kindness. If I
use the word overwhelmed
it would not suffice. I
do not think I have ever
seen such an incredible
amount of people pulling
together for the cause
you all believe in, I
include my wife in this,
the nights we have
spoken over dinner about
Madeleine I cannot
count. When Dani gets
her teeth into something
she never lets go. I
know you understand
chemotherapy is tough
and drains what little
amount of energy you
have. I would for the
moment like Dani to use
that energy in fighting
her disease and my wife
is a fighter.
I also believe with the
support she has behind
her you will pull her
My deepest gratitude to
each and everyone of
Stephan. |
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:23 pm
pamalam |
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:24 am
The LOVE Inside : by
September 12, 2010 by
Hello, I really do not
know where to start and
what to say. I only know
I wanted a SPECIAL place
for you, my fellow
Madeleine, brought us
all together, a group of
people with the biggest
hearts and so much love.
I realise I have
confused some over my
gender , a message left
on TEXTUSA wishing me
well, once I have sorted
my sex out.
I had realised in the
past some thought of me
as male and others
female, my name only
adding to the confusion.
This page is not about
Madeleine or myself,
this page is for you and
today I asked Pam if she
thought it would be
alright for me to post
your good wishes on my
I have not been a member
of a forum for a very
long time, I therefore
am without access and
was unable to answer
you. I did not want the
time to pass without you
knowing how much I
appreciate every single
one of you.
Pam has very kindly
brought your messages
over to me and with your
permission I would like
to place them here.
I would also like to
mention Pams new blog
which is about creating
Breast cancer awareness.
I have no idea to most
of your genders either,
whether you are male or
female is of little
importance to me, BUT
what is important is the
fact that BOTH men and
women can have breast
It is also not true that
women under forty do not
have breast cancer. I
know young women in
their twenties and one
who is only eighteeen
who has breast cancer.
Please everyone, if this
is not possible on the
NHS make an appointment
for a Private
consultation and have a
yearly mammogram….it is
not a waste of money and
could save your life.
If I may ask one favour
of you, add Pams link to
your twitter page and
give her a tweet each
day and help her through
you to reach as many
women as possible….lets
all become more aware of
our bodies and this
dreadful disease that if
not caught in time is a
killer…..leaving small
children without mothers
and husbands without
I love you all and
remember keep yourself
Take care
Dani xxxx
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:02 pm
I remember on the 3a's
you were a prolific
poster. A splendid
digger out of
There is still a lot
more information to mine
for, so get well soon
and keep your shovel
All the best 111. |
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:21 pm
All best wishes,
positive vibes and all
good thoughts to you
Stay strong |
Estelle |
Australia |
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:07 am
Hi Ironside
This Miracle Mineral
Supplement (MMS) has
also been recommended to
me by a friend who is a
pilot and needs to keep
in peak health as he is
MMS Cancer Testimonial
Testimonial from her
Mum: “Delwyn was
originally diagnosed
with breast cancer at
the age of just 26. It
quickly spread to her
bones, hips, spine and
lung. Her liver was in
bad shape also.
Four weeks ago she was
confined to bed, had to
urinate in a glass
bottle, and weighed only
45 kg.
On October 3rd 2007 was
a black day for the
family. She had not
eaten for 3 days and her
Doctor met with the
family and said they
needed to make a
decision as to whether
to pull the feed tubes
out of her or not. She
had 2 – 3 week to live.
In emergency hospital,
the family had arranged
her funeral and cemetery
She started on the MMS
and 10 days later the
cancer markers continued
to increase but her
strength and energy
started to return. She
was walking and even
drove a short distance
around the paddock at
her parents Park.
It is now November 1st
2007 and her cancer
markers are on the way
down, falling even 40
points in the past week
and still falling
(Measuring her CA.15-3
scores). She is driving
better than she was 6
months ago, She has no
pain, is able to dress
herself, her kidneys and
liver are in better
condition. Is now
sleeping and walking
better than 4 months
ago. Her Doctor saw her
last week and simply
could not believe how
well she looked. She has
no pain and has reduced
all of her medications.
Delwyn and her family
acknowledge God’s
leading and provision of
her treatment and the
timing of it all at
deaths door. Yes it is
early days but she is 6
months ahead of where
she was just 4-5 weeks
Delwyn has a good diet
of vegetable juices,
berries and raw foods,
which help enormously in
keeping her body
alkaline as well as
nourishing her cells to
re-build stronger and
She practices the 8
natural health laws:
Trust in God
There is no doubt that
the MMS in this case has
been foundational in
cleansing the body of
pathogens, mould,
fungus, viruses and
bacteria that have been
so prolific and allowing
the cancer to grow and
Delwyn’s Protocol:
Day 1 2 drops every 1
hours 6 or 7 times a day
Day 2 3 drops every hour
6 or 7 times a day
Day 3 4 drops every hour
6 or 7 times a day
Day 4 5 drops every hour
6 or 7 times a day
Day 5 6 drops every hour
6 or 7 times a day
Day 6 7 drops every hour
6 or 7 times a day
Still 5 weeks later 7
drops every 1 hour 6-7
times a day. Initially
she could not keep
anything down, just kept
throwing up, juice the
drops everything for
about 3 days. When she
got nausea she would eat
a dry biscuit or banana.
She has been having
fever baths every 2 days
raising her temp to 38
deg (bath 41 deg) with
half a cup of
Bicarbonate of soda.
That is basically it.
She is now off all
medications and doing
very well. The diarrhoea
and vomiting are good
signs that the body is
simply eliminating what
it does not need.”
IMO it is definitely
worth trying.
All the best
Estelle |
Jenny2007 |
Location: |
Scotland |
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:15 pm
Hi Ironside, I read, and
learnt a lot by reading
many of your posts. You
came across as a very
positive person, and our
country could do with
more people of your ilk.
Remember this, it is not
the size of the dog in
the fight, its the size
of the fight in the dog. |
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:32 pm
Try to stay strong
Ironside.You have many
friends on here who are
sending you positive
energy. Best wishes xx |
Estelle |
Australia |
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:47 pm
Hi Ironside
My thoughts are with
you. You are one of my
most respected bloggers
on the forums. I am so
sorry to hear this.
I believe in trying
everything – the
wholistic approach.
Positive mental attitude
will definitely help.
These links might help
... s=news_rss
New research indicates
that vitamin D acts
through several
mechanisms to help fight
Buddhist meditation
For treating and curing
cancer, Healing Cancer
Naturally recommends
looking into a
combination of healthy
diet such as the Budwig
(which is both DIY,
inexpensive and boasts a
very high success rate),
detoxification, as well
as mental, spiritual and
healing modalities, with
EFT being an outstanding
representative of the
latter easily accessible
to next to everyone.
... tment.html
... eases.html
Vitamin D is as
effective as the toxic
breast cancer drug
Tamoxifen, without any
of the detrimental side
effects and at a tiny
fraction of the cost.
... -care.aspx
Eat: Green tea, Berries:
blueberries, Cherries,
Red grapes, Kale,
Turmeric, Nutmeg,
Artichokes, Parsley,
Garlic, Tomato, and
Maitake mushrooms.
... esity.aspx
Estelle |
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:18 pm
I am so very sorry to
hear of your illness.
I, too, am a survivor of
this menace called
cancer. In my case it
was a particularly
virulent cervical
cancer, diagnosed 8
months after my youngest
child was born and she
is now 15 years old. I
know this is not the
same thing at all, but
tell you this in the
hope that it will give
you both hope and
encouragement. We are
all aware that cancer
treatments can be
unpleasant, but keep at
it, dear IRONSIDE, the
benefits will be so
With the love and
support of your family
and friends, you will
stay strong and above
all stay positive.
Sending sparkly positive
vibes to you and your
Jan. XXXXX |
wicksy |
Location: |
Barcelona |
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:17 pm
Ironside, so sorry to
hear this. Please, stay
strong, stay focussed,
keep fighting (I'm sure
you will). Even though
we've never so much as
pm'd, I think of you as
a good forum friend. |
pamalam |
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:59 am
bohhee wrote: |
Just thinking:
Can or does
Ironside still
access her pc or
read the forum?
I am wondering
whether she is
receiving these
good wishes and
knowing she has
plenty friends,
and that many
thoughts and
prayers are with
her. |
Hi bohhee
I copy the posts each
day and email them to
This is her reply from
the last ones I sent her
Thank-you Pam, so much
love and such wonderful
people. |
Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:53 am
Just thinking: Can or
does Ironside still
access her pc or read
the forum?
I am wondering whether
she is receiving these
good wishes and knowing
she has plenty friends,
and that many people's
thoughts and prayers are
with her. |
Renoir |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:19 pm
And may your own God go
with you. |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:13 pm
I wish to echo
everything already
expressed here. Make
yourself a promise that
you will only ever
think, say and do
whatever it is that YOU
want to do from now on
.......... until you
feel well.
Because I believe in God
I always say
God first, me next
......... and every f*cker
else can get in the
If you do not have a
faith, just drop the God
bit ......... Or
alternatively add your
own Gods or anything
else you have faith in
first |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:26 pm
Very sorry to hear this
Ironside. Be strong stay
positive and you can
beat this. My niece was
diagnosed with same two
years ago. She is now in
remission after a year
of chemo. At this moment
in time i have another
niece who has been
diagnosed with same so
she is fighting it to.
Thinking of you xx |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:14 pm
My thoughts and prayers
are with you Ironside |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:04 pm
Thoughts and prayers
with you Ironside - have
always admired your
post. Hope you can take
some comfort from
people's good wishes
like olivebranch.
Also wish karmera well.
Jay x |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:47 pm
I am very sorry to hear
My best wishes to you
Ironside |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:45 pm
Being confident is very
important ,as it it is
the medical treatment,
and as Olive said,the
kind of food you eat is
also very important
....And try to be
surrounded by people who
loves you.I wish you all
the best. |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:46 pm
Ironside, my thoughts
and prayers are with
you, you have many
friends on this board,
we are by your side and
here for you every step
of the way with our
Take care; |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:32 pm
wrote: |
Ironside, first
a hug to you.
And second to
reiterate all
that Stella has
just posted.
I am a cancer
diagnosed 11
years ago with
extensive breast
cancer. A
showed the
critter had
wormed it's way
into lymph nodes
in chest wall,
throat as well
as armpit. So
pretty damned
lowsy. The
oncologist gave
me less than 50%
at surviving
more than 5
And, that word
survive really
got to me. I
wanted to live,
not survive so I
started to
research. Hadn't
got a computer
so used the
library and read
up on as much as
Came to the
conclusion, that
whilst cancer is
part of me gone
off the rails
that it was
still me, so I
had to rid
myself of it
surgery, chemo,
radiotherapy and
long term drugs.
That was the
medics part.
Mine was to stay
positive. eat
all my broccoli
and tomatoes and
dring a glass of
Chilean Cab Sauv
every day. To
relax more, to
visualize the
nasty bit of me
and encourage it
to p@^^ off, to
laugh more, to
throw away some
inhibitions and
to let the love
of others bathe
me with a warm
It still could
get me in the
end, but tell
you what
Ironside, the
last 11 years
have been so
bloody precious
and even the bad
days have been
My prayers are
with you. I
don't know if
you have a faith
but if you have
give it a real
chance. |
Olivebranch, you are amazing. Love, prayers,
and hope go out to you
and everyone here who
has fought this beast.
P.S. You may get a laugh
out of this. I
participated in a
fund-raising walk for
breast cancer this
spring, and there was a
woman there wearing a
pink tee-shirt that
said, "Of course they're
false. My real ones
tried to kill me." I
said to myself, "I've
got to get to know
someone with that much
spunk." I went over and
introduced myself. She
was a 20-year survivor
of a double mastectomy
with positive lymph
nodes from both axillary
areas. Looked fit and
fine and finished much
faster than I did. |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:21 pm
Ironside, a book was
given to me the first
day of chemo treatment.
It is Peace, love and
Healing. by Bernie
Siegel. An inspiring
book. If you want one
and cannot locate one
please pm me and I will
send you my well thumbed
copy with my most
sincere best wishes |
rose m |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:04 pm
Ironside, you and your
loved ones will be in
our thoughts and
I can't give you any
good inside advice,
Ironside, except maybe
this study from years
ago (and I have to admit
it might even be 30
years ).
A group interested in
alternative medicine
looked into cases of
"miracle cures". As you
know there are always
and everywhere cases
where doctors say there
was no hope and then the
disease stops or
completely disappears.
So they went over
hundreds and hundreds of
cases and finally ended
up with 45 or 50 well
documented cancer cases.
Of course from such a
small group no
significant scientific
deduction could be made.
But there was one common
trait in all these
patients. When they
where told it was beyond
hope -don't forget 30
years ago there were
much less treatments
available- they all
threw their head in the
wind and said
(paraphrased of course)
I won't be beat by
There was one very meek
woman who never had
spoken against anyone in
here life, who said to
the doctor: "what you
tell me I'm gonna
die,??? I'll show you"!!
She went to research all
kind of treatments and
was 8 years later alive
and well.
There was one young man
with an advanced stage
of oesophageal cancer
who said "I can have
cancer, cancer can't
have me". He meant it
more to be like "cancer
is not going to ruin my
life, I'll go out with a
bang". He went to Tahiti
and a year ago was still
Again it is all not
scientific, but in each
of these cases the
refusal to lay down the
sword seemed to have
played a role in the
cure/survival. I wish
you, and those around
you, that strength! |
JillyCL |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:32 pm
What an inspirational
post, olivebranch!
Ironside, you clearly
know that knowledge is
power and it sounds like
you've made sure you're
also well informed.
Thinking of you at this
challenging time.
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:08 pm
Ironside, first a hug to
you. And second to
reiterate all that
Stella has just posted.
I am a cancer person,
diagnosed 11 years ago
with extensive breast
cancer. A radical
mastectomy showed the
critter had wormed it's
way into lymph nodes in
chest wall, throat as
well as armpit. So
pretty damned lowsy. The
oncologist gave me less
than 50% at surviving
more than 5 years.
And, that word survive
really got to me. I
wanted to live, not
survive so I started to
research. Hadn't got a
computer so used the
library and read up on
as much as possible.
Came to the conclusion,
that whilst cancer is
part of me gone off the
rails that it was still
me, so I had to rid
myself of it alongside
surgery, chemo,
radiotherapy and long
term drugs. That was the
medics part. Mine was to
stay positive. eat all
my broccoli and tomatoes
and dring a glass of
Chilean Cab Sauv every
day. To relax more, to
visualize the nasty bit
of me and encourage it
to p@^^ off, to laugh
more, to throw away some
inhibitions and to let
the love of others bathe
me with a warm glow.
It still could get me in
the end, but tell you
what Ironside, the last
11 years have been so
bloody precious and even
the bad days have been
My prayers are with you.
I don't know if you have
a faith but if you have
give it a real chance. |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:50 am
V. Sorry to hear that
Stay strong, keep your
spirits up and stay
My thoughts and prayers
will be with you.
Bohheexx |
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:27 am
Dan, a thousand
apologies for the little
mix up over your gender ,
I hope you can forgive
me. You have been like a
rock to me in the past,
with advice over my
health and trying to
steer me towards trying
alternative treatments.
It was back then in 2008
that I first thought you
were a woman, with your
very warm and caring
posts. I should have
trusted my first
instincts, as I was
right all along. But
when I saw several posts
claiming you were a man
and your girlfriend was
Mercedes, it had me
convinced, I have to say .
I am absolutely
devastated to learn
about your condition.
Cancer has played a big
part in my family all my
life and I can honestly
say that the more
positive a person you
are, the better the
chance you have of
fighting it. I still
have an aunt who was
given 6 months to live
20 years ago and she is
still showing Mr C the
door. She refused to
have surgery. It is very
important that you
surround yourself with
positive people and do
everything you can to
inject as much laughter
into your life as
possible. If you don’t
believe me watch the
film Patch Adams.
Laughter is a very
precious medicine that
no one can bottle and we
can never get enough of.
You will always be in my
hopes and prayers, love
Stella xx |
Southernbelle |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:37 pm
Stay strong Ironside. |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:20 pm
Always, always, always
enjoyed your posts,
Ironside. From your wit,
to your tenacity and all
the thought provoking
stuff in between. From
your words you come
across as a person who
strives to persevere and
is not afraid to plunge
the depths as well as
ride the crests.
I was diagnosed with a
brain tumour last fall
and life does change
when you face these
kinds of things.
We get through it to the
best of our spirits.
Life changes but we try
to find more to live,
experience and share.
You have a great soul,
Ironside and you'll get
through it even when you
feel like you can't.
I send warmth across the
ocean to you and a big
hug to boot.
Karmaera |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:17 pm
Thank you pamalam for
bringing us this news,
sad as it is.
I am very sorry to hear
of your illness ironside.
You have battled for
over 3 years for a
We will continue that
battle while you begin
your new battle.
You are in my thoughts
tonight and I wish you a
speedy recovery.
maebee |
Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:55 pm
you the best.
Hold on to your own
Faith. |
Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:41 pm
have always looked out
for your posts. |
Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:11 pm
As ever, my respect and
appreciation for all
you've done. Courage in
your battle, fellow
justice-seeker. |
Châtelaine |
Le Château |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:03 pm
beachy wrote: |
Ironside, keep
fighting. I have
never had
cancer, but I've
a cousin who was
diagnosed with
stage IV
with extensive
involvement and
is alive, seems
absolutely well,
and so far as we
eight years
after diagnosis.
It's almost as
if cancer is not
the same disease
it was a
generation ago;
so many people
are being
treated and
enjoying years
of life after
extensive lymph
node involvement
or recurrence is
I saw Elizabeth
Edwards, wife of
candidate John,
on television a
few weeks ago,
and she said she
is feeling
great. She was
diagnosed with
breast cancer in
2004 and learnt
in early 2007
that she had a
recurrence. She
absolutely well,
and so far as I
could tell the
biggest problem
she's got is
that she's still
not made up her
mind to divorce
that world-class
tw*t she's
married to.
I will pray for
you every day. I
do not know how
long it will be
before we
finally learn
what happened to
poor little
Maddie, but
however long it
is, I expect you
will be here to
share in the
feeling of peace
we will all have
when we finally
learn that she
has been found
and can be laid
properly to
rest. |
Hear, hear, Beachy.
For Ironside, for you,
for Elizabeth Edwards
and for Madeleine. |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:56 pm
Ironside, keep fighting.
I have never had cancer,
but I've a cousin who
was diagnosed with stage
IV metastatic
adenocarcinoma with
extensive liver
involvement and is
alive, seems absolutely
well, and so far as we
know, cancer-free eight
years after diagnosis.
It's almost as if cancer
is not the same disease
it was a generation ago;
so many people are being
successfully treated and
enjoying years of life
after extensive lymph
node involvement or
recurrence is
I saw Elizabeth Edwards,
wife of former
presidential candidate
John, on television a
few weeks ago, and she
said she is feeling
great. She was
originally diagnosed
with breast cancer in
2004 and learnt in early
2007 that she had a
recurrence. She looked
absolutely well, and so
far as I could tell the
biggest problem she's
got is that she's still
not made up her mind to
divorce that world-class
tw*t she's married to.
I will pray for you
every day. I do not know
how long it will be
before we finally learn
what happened to poor
little Maddie, but
however long it is, I
expect you will be here
to share in the feeling
of peace we will all
have when we finally
learn that she has been
found and can be laid
properly to rest. |
Châtelaine |
Le Château |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:53 pm
Life is not fair.
But it has to be lived.
And can be enjoyed under
Because, there maybe is
some fairness.
I wish you all the
courage and luck in the
It's a powerful
Most sincerely yours,
Châtelaine |
Jeanne d Arc |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:40 pm
Thanks Pamalam for the
explanation. It was a
bit confusing.
Thanks for your
dedication |
Pamalam |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:34 pm
Jeanne d Arc
wrote: |
I am shocked to
hear this. I
followed your
husband's (?)
blog and was
hoping for the
best for his
wife. I did not
make the
though to your
nick Ironside.
Today I started
to read a bit
about the
subject, the
application for
approval of
Mesylate might
be a hope for
those that
suffer from your
form of cancer.
I have no idea
how long these
approvals take,
I guess quite
some time.
I am lost for
(((((Ironside)))))) |
Hi Jeanne
Powersteph is Ironside (
Her husband is Stephan
hence the name
Powersteph |
Karma |
UK |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:18 pm
Wishing you the very, very best of luck Ironside. Kick it's
backside! x |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:57 pm
I dont post very much but i have always enjoyed ironside's
posts.Thinking of
you.This is really sad
news i wish you all the
best,stay strong
treatments are way
advanced these days.
cherry |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:44 pm
for Ironside
very sad to hear this
news, my thoughts and
prayers are with you |
Jeanne d Arc |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:29 pm
I am shocked to hear
this. I followed your
husband's (?) blog and
was hoping for the best
for his wife. I did not
make the connection
though to your nick
Today I started to read
a bit about the subject,
the application for
approval of Eribulin
Mesylate might be a hope
for those that suffer
from your form of
cancer. I have no idea
how long these approvals
take, I guess quite some
I am lost for words
(((((Ironside)))))) |
Bren |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:26 pm
My thoughts and prayers
are with you Ironside....
my friend. xx |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:24 pm
So sorry Ironside, keep
fighting |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:14 pm
Sorry to hear this
I'm thinking of you at
this time. And hoping
for the best for you. |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:53 pm
So sorry to hear this
I wish you all the best.
My thoughts are with
Doug |
Kerry |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:51 pm
All my heartfelt good
wishes Ironside for a
full and speedy
I have always looked
forward to and respected
your posts.
Thanks also to Pamalam
for passing on the
information |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:40 pm
My thoughts and best
wishes for you, Ironside
mascara x |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:28 pm
I know they do
littlepixie, but Pam's
post is talking about a
woman. |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:26 pm
I must admit I thought
Ironside was a man. Men
can get breast cancer
Best wishes Ironside,
thinking of you x |
Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:41 pm
Over the last few years
I have had several
private conversations
with Ironside and he
always used his real
name, a man's name.
So I don't know what to
think about this news
really? |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:39 pm
My thoughts are with
When my son was almost a
year old I was diagnosed
with Hodgkin's lymphoma,
that was twenty-five
years ago.
Treatments change and
advance almost on an
hour by hour basis. The
treatment I had then,
they don't use so much
radiation now. Good
luck. |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:34 pm
Thinking of you Ironside
and sending good wishes
to you |
almostgothic |
The foot of
Mount Belzoni |
Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:29 pm
Our thoughts are with you Ironside. |
Weissnicht |
McKingdom |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:04 pm
Oh no I
hope she can fight it
this time too I wish
could help. |
Pamalam |
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010
12:01 pm
Our very well respected
and well loved poster
IRONSIDE is ill.
She now has a new fight
on her hands, as well as
the fight for Madeleine.
She has been diagnosed
with Metastasis Breast
Cancer. She was thought
to be clear but it has
come back. The cancer is
now advanced grade IV.
Ironside would
appreciate anyone who
has suffered this kind
of cancer, to give her
all of the information
that they can about it.
I have put her story
onto the link below,
please read it.
Many thanks for your
support Pamalam |